Humanities Homework Help

APMT 430 University of Phoenix Wk 5 Social Media and Human Interaction Questions


Research in the University Library and on the Internet to answer the following questions related to the short- and long-term considerations of social media use that results in signs of Internet addiction, depression, and the broader implications on society:

  • Why is it important to identify detrimental online and offline behaviors? How do the two intersect?
  • What psychological theories best explain the rationale behind users’ engagement with social media?
  • What types of behaviors are commonly exhibited in the social media space? What are some psychological effects on users?
  • Can social media help enhance self-esteem? Explain.
  • Can social media lead to feelings of belonging, feelings of isolation, and being an outcast, or both?
  • What are some signs that a person’s activity in social media is demonstrative of depressive symptoms?
  • What are some signs that a person’s activity offline is demonstrative of his or her ongoing use of social media?
  • How might one address the topic when an individual is suspected of showing signs of depression in relation to his or her social media use?
  • What is an Internet addiction? What are signs of an Internet addiction? How can it be addressed
  • Cite 3 peer-reviewed articles pertaining to the topic of Internet addiction, including leading opinions on this topic.