Humanities Homework Help

c UOP W5 Types of Adaptations Accommodations and Technical Support Chart


Accommodations, Adaptations, and Technology Chart


Special education teachers require a more in-depth understanding of how and when to accommodate and adapt learning experiences for exceptional learners. There is a universally recognized pyramid of support or response-to-intervention logic that is implemented to make sure that learners only receive the individualized support or adaptations if they are needed. The purpose of this assignment is to understand the types of adaptations, accommodations, and technology supports that may be used in teaching learners with intellectual and developmental disabilities and TBI.


Consider the conditions, syndromes, or impairments that are recognized as intellectual and developmental disabilities and reflect on the cognitive, language, learning, and social characteristics of these learners when completing this chart.


Complete the chart below by providing 2–3 examples for each of the following:


  • Accommodations for the following areas of learning:
    • Presentation (options for how instruction is presented to learner)
    • Response (options for how student can respond)
    • Setting (environment)
  • Individualized adaptations in the following areas:
    • Curricular
    • Instructional
    • Alternative
  • Technology options, to include:
    • Devices
    • Apps
    • Software programs


Include a brief description and purpose for each example, as well as best practices, benefits, and challenges. There should be a minimum of 18 examples in the chart. Add more rows as necessary.