Humanities Homework Help

ART 120 Central Connecticut State Repetition as a Composing Strategy Project


This project is focused on the design of a single, repeating, modular unit
using black and white lines and shapes. The unit will be used to cover the entire
surface of the image by repeating itself in one of four different orientations
conforming to North, South, East and West. The focus here is to see how a part
of a design relates to the whole. By designing a unit to connect with its “clones,”
in a linear fashion, by having elements in the basic unit go off the edge so that
they connect with other identical units, we can create a unique sense of
movement and rhythm. We want to surprise ourselves in how the basic unit can
combine into a totally unexpected composition.
If you use the same digital techniques as assignment 9 you will have an
extremely easy time with this. Techniques will be illustrated in the videos posted
as well as during our weekly meeting.
1. Begin by creating rough sketches of a square image measuring 2” x 2”
consisting of black and white lines and shapes. Create several different
designs in the “thumbnail sketch” mode using the exact size required for
this assignment. Your designs must be asymmetrical. There should be a
good balance between the amounts of black and white. Consider the
issues we discussed with previous projects-the contour adjustments
needed for the figure/ground study, and, the power of line to create
spatial levels. Computer use is recommended. see attached instructions and also I attached a few student samples. thank you