Humanities Homework Help

Post University Childhood Sexual Abuse Report



(2 pages MINIMUM – this does not include the cover, abstract, or references pages)

The sixth section of your report should discuss the data analysis process and how it was interpreted. It is important to “think” (Look-Think-Act model) about the information that was gathered during the action research study. The intent of this process is to reveal concepts, ideas, meanings, and interpretations through which stakeholders have made sense of their experiences related to the event(s) calling for intervention. The process of data analysis requires the researcher to “sift through” accumulated data to achieve greater insight, understanding, and clarity about events of interest. You are required to pick EITHER the 1st or 2nd approach to data analysis in action research and discuss it in detail. Please see below and identify which approach you plan to use: 

1st Approach to Data Analysis

– What epiphanic moments emerged? Illuminating or significant experiences? Primary units of analysis?  Any direct quotes (The Verbatim Principle) that are useful? Were focus groups used?

– Specifically address the following:

1) select stakeholder(s)

2) review the data

3) identify epiphanies

4) identify major features associated with each feature

5) formulate a framework of concepts/ideas based on key features

6) make connections (similarities/differences)

7) use frameworks to construct accounts for the report

2nd Approach to Data Analysis

– What categories emerged? What was the system of concepts (schemas or themes) that emerged from the data? What direct quotes support the themes identified (The Verbatim Principle)? Were focus groups used?

– Specifically address the following:

1) review the interview data for each stakeholding group

2) unitize the data

3) formulate categories, subcategories, and themes

4) organize them into category systems

5) incorporate information from non-interview data

6) use the category system to provide a framework for accounts and reports.