Humanities Homework Help

TC Disaster Communication & Communication Mistakes Essay


Address the following in your post:

  1. Using evidence from the Frontline video, and according to the principles of the articles from Module 2 readings, what communication mistakes were made in the early COVID-19 communications in the United States? Why do you think they were made?
  2. Using evidence from the Frontline video, and according to the principles of the articles from Module 2 readings, what communication strategies might have been employed in the U.S. to better inform and motivate the American people?
  3. According to the principles of the articles from Module 2 readings, how have you seen mixed messages from emergency managers, public officials, or others, that caused confusion or lack of response from audiences?
  4. When you consider the range of different known disaster possibilities, what stands out to you as universal principles for disaster communications?
  5. What other questions do you have about the readings and/or the module?

Frontline Video :

300 Word minimum, 3 sources

Course Description

This is an advanced examination of modern emergency management concepts, national and international trends, practical and political issues and policies, technological applications to emergency management, and the development and practical implementation of sound emergency management practices designed to protect people, communities, critical infrastructure and key assets. Course content includes reviews of emergency management policy and procedures in the U.S. and other countries, legal issues, social science perspectives, planning concepts and techniques, disaster modeling, operational problems, analytical methods, special populations, and management styles. Case studies are used to examine examples of effective and ineffective plans, responses, and recoveries from natural and technological disasters.