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CJ 290M3 Purdue Causes and Motivations of Known Terrorist Organizations Presentation


Causes and Motivations of Known Terrorist Organizations

Based on the readings as well as your independent research, prepare a PowerPoint presentation, which compares terrorist behavior to criminal behavior. Your assignment should address the following: 

  1. Focus on the differences in motivation, ideology and culture, and human expression behind the terrorist, as well as the ordinary criminal.
    • How do the motivations differ between terrorist behavior and criminal behavior?
    • How is the ideology different?
    • How does culture and human expression (art, customs, religion, social habits, etc.) impact terrorist behavior versus criminal behavior?
  2. What motivates the terrorist and/or terrorist organization?
  3. Identify at least three causes and motivations of terrorists.
  4. Demonstrate three causes and motivations of terrorism by relating them to specific organizations and acts.
  5. Explain the differences between religious and political terrorism.