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Excelsior College Concept of Homeland Security Enterprise Report


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Part 1 – M1D1: Concept of Homeland Security Enterprise

Respond to the following:

  • What do you think were the reasons for DHS establishing the Homeland Security Enterprise (HSE)?
  • Based upon your current knowledge of homeland security, describe the responsibilities a mayor, a nongovernmental organization leader, and a citizen would have for achieving homeland security.

Post your primary response by Friday, 11:59 PM EST. Read any postings already provided by your instructor or fellow students. Read and provide a substantive response to the conclusions drawn by at least two of your classmates by Sunday, 11:59 PM EST. Remember to read the feedback to your own major postings and reply to it throughout the module.

Part 2 – M1D2: Barriers to an All-Hazards Approach

In this discussion forum, you are asked to think about the “all-hazards approach” and what that means for emergency management and homeland security. Your instructor will form groups of two or three students for this discussion.

Read the excerpt below from Paula Gordon’s article, The State of Emergency Management and Homeland Security:

“What has happened to the field of emergency management since 9/11? The fledgling field of homeland security is composed of many individuals who have had no substantial background in emergency management and no experience in coordinating inter- and intra-governmental efforts, both of which are integral to emergency management. Those in emergency management are being challenged to develop expertise in rarified specialty areas involving tactics of mass disruption and weapons of mass destruction and those in homeland security are being challenged to assimilate decades of knowledge, experience, and understanding of a field that is foreign to them, the field of emergency management. Post-Hurricane Katrina, those in both fields are also being challenged to develop a far broader understanding of catastrophic events than has existed in recent decades. Where does that leave us and what might be done to help address this disparity in backgrounds and perspectives? In-service training and education could make a great difference. Indeed, while there has been movement in that direction, many of those involved in helping provide direction for in-service training and education efforts as well as those providing direction for pre-service training and education efforts, do not always have backgrounds in emergency management or do not always have cross disciplinary backgrounds that would enable them to guide training and education efforts along the most productive lines possible” (Gordon, 2007)

Gordon, P. (2007, August). The state of emergency management and homeland security.PA Times, 30(8). (Links to an external site.) Retrieved from…

Based on the excerpt, respond to the following questions:

  • Do you agree with Gordon’s premise that emergency management and homeland security speak different languages while using the same concept—all hazards?
  • How might these differences be resolved to streamline an all-hazards approach?
  • Create a list of five ways in which a unified all-hazards approach might work.

Part 3 – M1A1: Identification of a Potential Community Hazard (Draft)

For this assignment, you will identify a specific hazard or vulnerability in your community using an all hazard approach, and identify your local Emergency Management Director (EMD), and provide your EMD’s contact information. Your submission should be 1-2 pages in length.

This will be the first step in allowing  you to prepare a draft a contingency plan proposal, which will be due in Module 3. 

Furthermore, you should contact your local Emergency Management Director and brief them on the assignment you will be preparing for later in the course, and the need to schedule a time frame to present your findings.