Law Homework Help

Colorado Technical University Online National Crime Victimization Survey Questions


Victimologists seek to answer key questions about crime and how some people are more likely to be victims of crimes than other people. By studying crime statistics, criminologists and victimologists can discover important findings, such as the following:

  • Rates at which certain crimes occur
  • Trends that relate to the frequency and location of crimes
  • Identifying groups that tend to be arrested for (or be victims of) certain types of crime
  • Impact of laws, correctional programs, or law enforcement efforts on crime

Government data collection systems have their own strengths and weaknesses in terms of providing different types of data (e.g., data provided from police agencies and data collected from surveys).

Explore the following websites:

Write a 2 page paper that addresses the following:

  • What differences exist between these reporting tools? What did you find most helpful in your understanding of crime and victim data among each of these sources?
  • Knowing your communities, knowing your services, how would you use this data to provide services in your communities?
  • What policy changes would you implement to address violent crimes toward the most vulnerable victim population in your city or state?