Law Homework Help

UOP Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence in Policing Article Critique


When working on your article critique, please keep the following requirements in mind.

The article must be a scholarly journal article.

The topic must be appropriate for the course or the audience.

  • You should identify whether you are in support of the article’s premise or not and why.
  • You should then apply a proper analysis, which is predicated upon some knowledge of the topic, and a review of the contravening arguments made by other researchers or experts.
  • This is followed by you putting forth your critical evaluation of the premise(s) of the article and your position, supported by the literature.
  • Some of the questions you should ask about the article include the following:
  • What biographical data about the author of the article is important?

What is the purpose, tone, and format of the article?

How can the work be interpreted?

  • Based upon your review of the literature, is there any information in the article that is inaccurate or incomplete?
  • In what way was the article successful? Did the author succeed in what he or she was trying to accomplish?
  • How does the author fail? What did you find in your review of the literature that brings you to that conclusion?
  • Are there any historical, psychological, geographical, gender, racial, cultural, religious, or sexual considerations that have an impact on the article?