Science Homework Help

Baltimore City Community Soils and Climate Research of Country Poland Essay


Biomes, Soils, and Climate learning- conduct research and locate maps that illustrates the biomes, soils, and climates that exist within the country Poland! Using the maps, answer the questions below in your post:

1) What is the largest biome in the country and where is it located within the country Poland ? what are the major characteristics of this biome?

2) What soil orders exist in the same location as the country’s largest biome you identified in question 1? what are their major characteristics?

3) What Koppen climate zones exist in the same location as the country’s largest biome you identified in question 1? Based on climate zones, what are their major characteristics?

4) Considering the answers to questions 1 – 3, what relationship do you see between biomes, soils, and climates?