Science Homework Help

Protein Synthesis Summary



For this assignment, you are to write an essay in the form of a Teach/Learn essay.  See the “Teach/Learn Directions” under the “Assignment Helps and Instructions” in content.  This will give you more details as to how it should be accomplished.  Basically I want you to teach the chapter section to someone else that does not know the material.

You are to base this essay on Chapter 4.  Specifically I want you to focus on only one section of the Chapter; it can be section 4.1, 4.2 or 4.3. The section you pick is up to you.  This assignment is meant to help you engage the Chapter in a different way and by doing so, learn the material even better.  (If I were you, I would pick a section of the chapter that you are most unsure of.  This way, you force yourself to learn the material while you map it out).
