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Major Milestones of Fetal Development Discussion


Discuss the major milestones of fetal development during the three trimesters of pregnancy. Discuss five dietary and environmental factors that could impact development. and I need a response for each example

first example:

n the first trimester of pregnancy, from conception to 12 weeks, the baby changes from cells and progresses into a fetus in the womb. Within the first 3 weeks of this trimester, the baby’s face starts to take shape and the blood cells take shape to allow for circulation to start. Week 5 through week 8 is when the baby begins to develop a digestive tract and the sensory organs develop as well. The spinal cord and brain are also formed and bone begins to replace cartilage. The baby is officially called a fetus as opposed to an embryo after these weeks. In the last weeks of the first trimester, weeks 9-12, the arms, fingers, feet and toes are fully developed while fingernails are formed as well. The baby can now open and close fists and external ears are developed too. The baby is fully formed at the end of the 3rd month lowering the chances of a miscarriage due to the size and develpment.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, weeks 13-28, the baby begins to develop facial features and moves more in the uterus. Weeks 13-16 initiates the start of the nervous system. Additionally, the hair, nails, eyelashes, and eyebrows are developed. At this time, the gender is also able to be revealed due to the develpment of the reproductive organs. In month 5, muscles are developing and being used and hair begins to show on the babys head and around the body. In weeks 21-24, the baby begins to respond to sound and movement. Eyes can open and finger and toe prints begin to show as well. In the last month of the third trimester, the baby’s hearing is fully developed and will continue to develop fat and other parts of the body as well.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the baby will gain weight quickly and continue to develop week by week in preparation for the birth. The major milestone at the end of the third trimester is childbirth. Between weeks 37-40 the mother may go into labor at anytime and endure childbirth to get the baby out.

Dietary factors that impact fetal development are malnutrition of the mother. If the mother is not getting enough nutrients then the impacts the developemennt of the fetus. If the mother consumes too much and gains too much weight during the pregnancy, it could cause the baby to be born significantly larger than average and/or preterm birth. The consumption of alcohol may cause preterm birth, miscarriages, and the baby may be born with a really low birthweight, due to the fact that they cannot process alcohol like an adult. Consuming too much calcium or iron while pregnant may be toxic for the baby as well. Additionally, if the mother is dehydrated during pregnancy could cause neurological defects during the fetus’ developement as well.

Environmental factors that impact fetal development are smoking, inhaling anesthetics, air pollution, mental stress, and physical stress. These could all lead to the baby not fully develop or develop with medical issues after it is born. The stresses of the environment on the mother, can impact the baby inside her as well.

Second example:

During the first month of pregnancy, the amniotic sac and the placenta are formed. The amniotic sac helps cushion the embryo and the placenta transfers nutrients to the baby from the mother. There is also some facial structure that begins to develop. In month two, the neural tube is formed, the digestive tract and sensory organs begin to develop, and bone starts to replace cartilage. In month three, the arms, hands, fingers, feet, and toes are fully formed and they are able to move around. The reproductive organs are beginning to develop and the fetus is fully formed. In month four, the nervous system starts to function and the reproductive organs are fully formed, allowing us to tell the gender. In month five, the fetus will start to move and this allows the muscles to grow. The skin is covered in vernix caseosa, which is to protect the skin from long exposure to the amniotic fluid. In month six, the eyes start to open and finger and toe prints are visible. In month seven, the baby can hear and react to stimuli. The amniotic fluid also begins to go away. In month eight, the baby may be kicking more and internal systems are well developed except for the lungs. In month nine, the lungs are close to being fully developed and the reflexes are coordinated. In month ten, labor will happen at any time, so the baby will start to face head down to prepare for birth (

Eating well can affect the development of the baby. Nutrients such as iron, calcium, and folic acid are important for early fetal development. Caffiene is important to avoid in excess quantities. It can cross the placenta and affect the baby’s heart rate. Exercise is also important because they can help relieve pains from the pregnancy and certain exercises can prepare the body for labor. Keeping the mind busy such as going to work or doing chores around the house will help ease the mind from thinking about morning sickness or fatigue. Not smoking is a huge factor. The baby is exposed to harmful chemicals and limit the supply of oxygen and delivery of nutrients (