Writing Homework Help

Azusa Pacific University Aviation Problem Analysis


Final project: aviation problems and analysis – (100 points –team/group or individual) – topics must fall into 1 of 4 categories we covered: diversity, aging aircraft, insurance, or congested airspace/airports. By the end of the semester, we will have spent a great deal of time examining various aviation problems such as diversity, shortages, aging aircraft, and congested airspace and airports. This is certainly not an exhaustible list but we only have 16 weeks. Nonetheless, the goal of the final group project here is to select an aviation problem of your choice and analyze the problems and some WORKABLE solutions. These have to be actual, workable solutions.Find supporting material (example, statistic, definition, analogy, anecdote, or testimony) to establish truth of your claim in the mind of your audience. Use evidence that strongly supports your claim. Cite all sources carefully! Before spring break, tell me what you topic you or your group chose. Be sure to schedule interviews (if you are taking this route) enough in advance so you are not scrambling towards the end of this project especially since these are done through email or phone because of covid. Be sure to identify and interview various level/types of people in the organization so that you receive varied feedback during your interviews. Also, use PEER-REVIEWED literature in both books and academic journals. There should be AT LEAST 5 academic sources and at least 10 if you are unable to conduct interviews.

Final paper rubric 100 points Criteria for short 50 point essays are as follows: Excellent Very effective sequencing of ideas. Smooth, effective transitions between all elements (ideas, paragraphs, sentences, bullet points). Reasonable sequencing of ideas. Writing quality exceeds expectations. 45-50 points