Writing Homework Help

Confidentiality in Adolescents Paper


References should be from refereed journals. Books are accepted as references. Internet references can be utilized but do not count toward the 4 reference requirement (unless from a refereed source). Encarta and Wikipedia should not be used under any circumstances. The format of the paper should include an abstract (not part of the content or page count), a distinct introduction, a body, and a distinct summary or conclusionThe subject of this paper:
The subject of the research paper should be an ethical topic that you wish to learn more about or you think is particularly important. Each week we will be discussing various topics related to ethical issues that are encountered by counselors. Since this is a survey course, a course that is introductory and very broad in nature, this is your chance to explore a particular ethical topic in more depth. Things to think about when you write this paper are:
What is the ethical issue/concern?
So what? Why is it important?
How does it impact the field of counseling?
Is there anything that could be done to address the issue?