Writing Homework Help

Nova Southeastern University W3 Ethics and Leadership Discussion


Assignment 2 Ethics and Leadership (Due Week 3; 20 points)

The purpose of this assignment is to explore and critically present your views about ethics and its role in leadership.

Consider your views, experiences, and readings about ethics. In a paper (4-5 pages, excluding your title page and reference list), discuss the following:

  • Definition of ethics. Support comments with three or more relevant references.
  • Provide an overview about the role of and need for ethics in leadership.
  • Identify the main ethical responsibilities in your professional field and position.
    • Describe the main ethical challenges posed in your field of work, profession.



Not Met (3-0 points)

Met (4 points)

Exceeded (5 points)

Critically defines ethics and supports definition with references

Definition is unclear or missing.

Provides a definition of ethics and supports with 3 references

Provides a comprehensive and appropriately documented (3 or more references) definition of ethics

Describes the role and for ethics in leadership

Description about the role of ethics and need is unclear, vague, or not included

Describes the role of ethics and establishes its needs for effective leadership

Clearly describes the role of ethics and establishes its needs for effective leadership

Identifies key ethical responsibilities and main challenges in own field

Main ethical responsibilities and challenges faced by leadership in their field/profession is unclear, vague, or not provided.

Identifies the main ethical responsibilities and challenges faced by leadership in their field/profession

Clearly identifies the main ethical responsibilities and challenges faced by leadership in their field/profession. Implications are described and examples provided.

Follows APA format and uses documentation

Paper does not adhere to the APA guidelines. There are multiple errors.

Paper adheres to the APA guidelines. There are some minor errors (5 or 4)

Paper clearly adheres to the APA guidelines. There are minimal (3 or less) errors or none. Errors are negligible.

Total: 20 points