Writing Homework Help

KMJ Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technology Brochure


Final Assignments- You have time to make these great!

Technology Brochure – select 5 innovative technologies (hardware and/or software) that should be used in education and why. This can include K-12 and higher education. You will need to use a brochure feature like Adobe, Canva, etc. Include visuals of the technology, how it is used and how will it enhance teaching and/or learning.

Education majors must also upload this in LiveText.

Historical Timeline – Final Exam

You will create a timeline over a 60-year period ending in 2020 involving the education system in the United States.

I will leave this open but here are some suggestions, the history of:

Laws in Education

Civil Rights

Standardized Testing

Colleges and Universities


Hint – Look in your textbook for a topic and research the historical data of the topics to create a timeline.

You must include graphics, important dates, and facts. You do not need facts for every year. Please Google “historical timeline of education” to get a variety of ideas.