Writing Homework Help

Troy Cherry Trees Produce Cherry Seed and Embryonic Within the Kernel Questions


MAIN DETAILS:1. Consider a cherry pit, which is a seed containing an embryonic cherry tree sporophyte. Trace the paternal ancestry of that embryo. Explain how the sperm that fathered that embryo came to unite with the egg, and the process by which that sperm formed.2. When infected by a parasitic fungus such as wheat stem rust, some plants produce chitinase (an enzyme that breaks down chitin) and/or glucanase (an enzyme that breaks down glucan). Explain how production of these enzymes could help a plant fend Offa fungal parasite. What mechanisms might allow the rust fungus to overcome these plant defenses?3. Fungal skin diseases are persistent, in part because fungi can penetrate deeper layers of skin than can ointments and creams used as the first line of defense against these infections. There are fewer oral antifungal medications than antibacterial ones. Reflect on the evolutionary relationships among bacteria, fungi, and humans. Why it is harder to develop oral medications against fungi than bacteria.