Writing Homework Help

University of Maryland Baltimore Causes of Pregnancy Deaths Essay


Students will write the RD of the Discussion portion of their Research Paper.

This section is the “meat” of your paper. It is where you will present all of your claims and the secondary source support for your claims. It must be a minimum of 4 pages long and be double spaced, Times New Roman , 12 point font.

Remember each paragraph: 

a. Should have a topic sentence that is clear and let’s the reader know what that paragraph is going to be about.

b. Should demonstrate your own critical thinking regarding your topic.

c. Should have support details from your secondary sources to support your claims and have intext citations that give credit to that source (author last name, page number)

NOTE: At least one of your paragraphs must address the opposing viewpoint from yours about your topic and you must rebuttal that with more support for your own position. (I posted a video on counterarguments in the Composition 101 Module 6).