Writing Homework Help

Washington State Development of Social Cognition Among Adolescents Question


  1. Choose a psychological topic you find interesting- it can be anything you can find research on.
    1. Some examples: Stress and athletic performance, attention and injury, happiness and relationships, drugs and cognition.
      1. You can get much more specific than this or a bit more broad-just make sure you can find articles on your topic
    2. Find at least 3 empirical articles discussing the topic- all peer reviewed.
  2. Read the articles.
  3. Write a 6-page review paper discussing the topic from a scientific perspective. The following is a suggested breakdown
    1. 2-4 pages introducing and describing the topic (might want to talk about the importance of the topic).
      1. Think teaching someone who knows nothing about the topic.
    2. 2-3 pages discussing how valid the studies on the topic are (discuss experimental design, validity, and reliability. Also suggest some future directions for the work in the field).
      1. I really want a future directions section- tell me where the research is going and maybe even propose a new study.
  4. Paper should be in APA format, 12-point times new roman font, cover page, and at least 6 citations (Half of which should be peer-reviewed).