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PGU The Importance of Life Long Learning Presentation


I need a PowerPoint presentation made from this essay below. It has to have enough slides to be able to talk for at least 8 minutes.

The purpose of this essay is to inform the reader why life-long learning is essential. Whether it is for the development of skills or to acquire knowledge, learning is the foundational step in nearly all aspects of life. Another critical attribute about lifelong learning is how it increases an individual’s life expectancy. Learning enables a person to identify their personal and professional goals, leading to a better quality of life, mentally and physically. It is leading to a higher age in retirement and less dependency on family or the younger generation. Ever-evolving technology can create a significant gap in the learning experience if individuals do not evolve. Mastering how to operate technology can lead to a more resourceful life. In this regard, life-long learning, which entails continuously acquiring knowledge and developing new skills, offers many benefits to an individual.

Life-long learning occurs throughout a person’s life. Unlike the traditional notion about education, life-long learning recognizes that a person must not confine life to his or her childhood or the classroom only (Ates & Alsal, 2012). According to Ates and Alsal (2012), life-long learning describes self-initiated education that builds a person’s skills and knowledge and occurs through life and in a wide variety of situations. Therefore, life-long learning describes a continuous process in which a person involuntarily initiates education that builds their skills and knowledge without restricting it to childhood or the classroom. Life-long learning can occur in an array of ways, and it also leverages many different mechanisms. Since life-long learning is a voluntary process focused on improving a person’s knowledge and skills limits, it tends to influence the individual’s personal and professional development, improving their thinking process, hence, recreating themselves. Life-long learning can occur by developing a new personal or professional skill, such as programming, public speaking, or cooking. It can also occur through self-taught studies, learning a new activity, sports, or acquiring knowledge and skills about new technology (Kapur, 2019). Therefore, life-long learning describes the education that takes place throughout the entire life of a person.

Life-long learning offers many benefits. The first importance of life-long learning is that it increases life expectancy. Life-long learning enables an individual to recognize his or her personal or professional interests and goals (Kapur, 2019). Kapur explains that learning is a tool used to shape a person’s behavior; thus, life-long learning can also improve a person’s life quality by ensuring healthy thoughts and behavior. However, the young generation who restrict learning to their childhood and classroom only have their life expectancy decreasing day by day (Ates & Alsal, 2012). This outcome is because keeping the quality and quantity of labor by learning throughout a person’s life increases his or her activeness, which intern improves the quality of his or her mental and physical condition. The second importance of life-long learning is that it increases the ratio of old-age dependency. Ates and Alsal stated, “The life expectancy of adults and senior adults that engage in life-long learning increases up to 80-90 years old.” However, the positive side of this effect is that even the retirement age moves up as many old members continue to be active and productive even in their late ages (Ates & Alsal, 2012). According to Ates and Alsal (2012), the impact of life-long learning increases the expectancy and quality of senior adults, therefore, increasing the old-age dependency ratio. Easing the pressure on having to depend on the young generation.

In today’s advanced technology era, a person needs to learn how to operate technology effectively and advance technological skills to improve the quality of his or her life. The integration of technology is happening quickly and is present in almost every aspect of life. For example, withdrawing cash using automated teller machines (ATMs), online shopping, online banking, driving technology, and communication through advanced technological capabilities, just to mention a few, have greatly improved the quality of life (Ates & Alsal, 2012). However, one must learn and develop skills on how to use these capabilities thus, the need and importance of life-long learning.

In conclusion, life-long learning is essential to a person’s life in multiple ways. It increases a person’s life expectancy and years of productivity, reducing the overdependence of senior adults on the rest of the generation while increasing the old-age dependency ratio. Additionally, life-long learning improves physical and mental conditions, including increasing his or her self-confidence. It is also essential in this era of advanced technology and innovations. By developing new skills and acquiring knowledge on technology, life-long learning makes it easy to use the vast range of technology capabilities that support life today.


Ates, H., & Alsal, K. (2012). The importance of life-long learning has been increasing. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 4092-4096.

Kapur, R. (2009). Concept and Significance of Life-long Learning. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Radhika-Kapur…

Naeve, A., Sicilia, M. A., & Lytras, M. D. (2008). Learning Processes and processing learning: from organizational needs to learning designs. Journal of Knowledge Management.