Writing Homework Help

Holistic Approach to Counselling Discussion and Responses


I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Please discuss which holistic approaches to counseling (clinical mental health counseling ) you prefer and why.

Book- Clinical Mental Health Counseling in Community and Agency Settings (Subscription)

by Samuel T. Gladding; Debbie W. Newsome ISBN 0134386779.

Here is one student response that you can provide a response to . Please see below.

Holistic approaches to counseling involve treatment that concentrates on entire human beings and life experiences to examine and treat patients’ symptoms. Holistic counseling relies on both physical and spiritual context. These approaches recognize that physical symptoms and emotional and mental challenges might result from a larger issue. Additionally, holistic approaches allow a counselor and a client to collaborate, identify problems, work on them and reduce their effects. This paper explains some of the preferred holistic approaches in counseling.

Several holistic methods are preferred in counseling for their effectiveness in promoting recovery from psychological illnesses. For instance, holistic psychotherapy concentrates on the connection between mind, body, and soul. This approach is efficient since it allows clients to become familiar with their entire being and improve self-acceptance and self-esteem. Individuals accept their predicaments or situations, which is always an essential phase in counseling and recovery enhancement. Notably, acceptance of self and the surroundings allows a client to relax and release fear. People with depression, stress, trauma, and anxiety can benefit from holistic psychotherapy.

Fundamentally, the spiritual approach is considered best in counseling. With spiritual counseling, people can find the purpose and meaning of life and things valued in life. Understanding the purpose of life is important because an individual will quickly appreciate their worth, and their self-esteem will increase. Also, spiritual counseling provides a client with hope and healing in moments of suffering and loss. A counselor applies spirituality to emphasize the importance of maintaining good relationships with self and others, thus speeding the healing process. Exercise is another holistic approach that improves mental health. Exercising also provides distractions from the negative thoughts that cause anxiety and depression. Exercising allows the client to socialize with other people while walking around the neighborhood, boosting their mood. In addition, physical exercises relax the mind and the body and allow an individual to engage in self-internalization.

Conclusively, holistic methods are effective in counseling since they focus entirely on well-being and provide experiences that lead to self-realization. Psychotherapy, exercise, and spirituality are the most effective holistic counseling methods because they allow individuals to appreciate themselves and others, which is crucial in counseling.

Here is the second response to respond to-

Holistic approaches to counseling take into account a person’s overall being- their mind, body, and soul. It focuses on personal wellness as well as spirituality and growth. Addressing the psychological substructure, in addition to the holistic aspect is often how counselors work with their client on a therapy plan. Working together as team with the environmental, physical, emotional, and spiritual factors is how holistic counseling is best utilized. Holistic approaches to counseling include spirituality, mindfulness, wellness/prevention, and stress management. I am interested in the spiritual and wellness components to provide resilience and quality of life to clients.

There is a difference in being religious and being spiritual. Religion is a set of organized beliefs and traditions within a group. In contrast spirituality is an individual connection to a higher power- a more personal experience. Before, entering the world of spiritual counseling the therapist should know their own beliefs. The therapist’s job in a spiritually centered approach is to assist the client with problems and issues that arise in their daily living. I have found this holistic approach to be beneficial in helping someone find their assuredness and acceptance of the problem.

The wellness aspect looks at the proportions within general life and helps to balance those to enhance the quality of a client’s existence. I would like to help a client find balance through soundness and action models like the Wheel of Wellness and the Individual Self. These models provide a solution to improve the individual’s worth and sets goals for them to achieve. I would like to incorporate wellness while using prevention techniques to expand upon the strengths of a client to reach a successful outcome in therapy.