Writing Homework Help

Flynas Airlines Mission and Vision Statement Discussion Paper


The content of the presentation and paper should include, (but not limited to), the following:

Airline Mission and Vision Statement,

Corporate Structure,

Fleet makeup and future aircraft plans,

Route structure and crew bases,

Stock price, revenue numbers and debt (hint: last quarterly statement),

Pilot numbers, pilot retirement projection, seniority projection, and upgrade potential,

Labor-management relations,

Pandemic recovery outlook,

An interview with an active pilot (virtual)

An interview with a non-pilot employee (virtual)

Would this airline be a good place to work? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Guidance for Papers

  • Papers will be double spaced, format with 1-inch margins all around.
  • ARIAL size, 11 font.
  • The centered header should appear in one line at the top of each page reading:
  • Your name, Course Title, Semester – “Title of paper.”
  • The cover page should include your name, course title, the semester, and the title of your paper.
  • Indent at the start of each paragraph.
  • Do not skip an extra line between paragraphs.
  • If you refer to specific in your paper, you should reference them per APA accepted format.
  • All sources, including accident reports, cockpit voice recordings, and articles must be properly cited.
  • When given the length of paper instructions, please note this is an equal or greater requirement. For example, a required 3-page paper is a minimum of 3 pages.
  • All papers must be grammatically correct with correct spelling. Please note that your computer’s program is a good place to START! PLEASE reread your paper and catch mistakes. Spellcheck does not catch a correctly spelled word misplaced in a sentence!
  • Errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and incomplete sentences will be graded harshly as will failure to follow the format and length of paper instructions. A good aid for grammar and spelling is Grammarly. There are 2 versions available: select the free version. It is a wonderful aid for any writing assignment.