Writing Homework Help

George Mason University English Advocacy Letter to Judge Thomas Questions


I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

read the letter and write a paragraph for each question.

  1. What singular aspect of the Advocacy Letter to Judge Thomas did you find to be most effective? Be specific here. What was it, in particular, that caused you to truly consider the student’s argument and take his side? From a reader’s perspective, why do you think this approach worked so well?
  2. What aspect of the letter could stand to be improved? (There’s always something that could be better, so don’t take the easy road and say it was all good.) Perhaps you were confused at points, or you didn’t feel that a certain technique added much to the argument. Maybe you thought the argument itself was faulty or poorly expressed. Whatever it was, point it out here and talk about why it didn’t work for you.