Writing Homework Help

North Shore Community College Climate Change Effective Discourses Discussion



https://libro.eb20.net/Reader/rdr.aspx?b=209717387 chapter 3





  1. Which of the four discourses discussed in Chapter 3 (the Biophysical discourse, the Critical discourse, the Dismissive discourse and Integrative Discourse) makes more sense to explain climate change as a problem and that is more effective at fostering action on the root causes of the problem? Explain your response and discuss why the other discourses are not as effective as the one you are choosing?
  2. Based on the video clips and readings 3, 4, and 5, and giving the harm that climate change deniers represent to humankind because on the impact of their misinformation, should deniers such as Richard Lindzen and Will Happer be charged for crimes against humanity? Explain your point.
  3. State at least one question that came to your mind