Writing Homework Help

Cuyamaca College Understanding and Respecting Differences Analysis Questions


City of San Diego Map

Photo Credit: T-Races

In almost every aspect of your life you will encounter people that are different from you. Whether you consider yourself a member of a cultural majority or minority, your success very likely depends on not only your mindset as a Creator, but also your ability to interact effectively with people who are different from you. This requires a lifelong commitment to valuing one another’s differences. This is a skill that is vital to your success, especially in today’s world with all of the civil, social, and racial unrest. It may seem like a lot to take on, but to start you can begin by understanding some historical context for the inequities we see in today’s world.

In this assignment we will begin to learn about Systemic Racism and the effects it has on marginalized populations. So what is Systemic Racism? It DOES NOT mean that there are a lot of racists in the system. Systemic Racism is defined as a system of structures that have procedures or processes that disadvantage African Americans and other persons of color. There are many examples of Systemic Racism in America, but today you will learn about one of them often referred to as Red Lining.


  1. Watch the video, The Disturbing History of the Suburbs.
  2. Read the article, Redlining’s Mark On San Diego Persists 50 Years After Housing Protections.
  3. Write at least two in-depth paragraphs regarding your reaction to both the video and the article. Dive deep, be specific, give examples from the video and article and discuss your initial reaction (either negative or positive). Address your thoughts and feelings regarding the video and article. Be sure to address the following questions in your write-up:
    • What have you learned from the video? Was this new information to you, or is it something you were already aware of?
    • What have you learned from the article? According to the 1936 map of San Diego from the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (see article or photo above), what is the color of the area you live in San Diego? If the area you live in is not listed on the map, make an educated guess about what color the area would be according to the current demographics of your neighborhood.
    • How have you benefitted or not benefitted from the racist policy of Red Lining?
    • Describe the inherent privileges you have in your life as a result of who you are. Keep in mind that everyone -despite your background- has an inherent privilege. For instance, my privileges are listed as follows: Highly educated, cis-gendered woman, Asian American, I qualified for financial aid support in college, my family valued education, socio-economically advantaged, I understand multiple languages, I live in a “good”/affluent neighborhood, learning new concepts comes easy to me, I am able-bodied, etc