Writing Homework Help

UF Impression of How to Kill a Mockingbird Setting Discussion


Can you help me understand this Writing question?

In ONE INITIAL POST of at least 250 words, describe your impression of To Kill a Mockingbird‘s setting, including time, place, and social environment.

In ONE INITIAL POST of at least 250 words, use your understanding of these terms to determine and describe the narrator of To Kill a Mockingbird. Address at least these questions in your prompt:

  1. Who is the narrator?
  2. Do you trust this narrator? Why or why not?
  3. How does the point of view of the narrator contribute to or limit your understanding of the story?

In ONE INITIAL POST of at least 250 words, choose three of the following characters from To Kill a Mockingbird and describe your insight into them so far:

  • Scout (Jean Louise) Finch
  • Jem (Jeremy Atticus) Finch
  • Atticus Finch
  • Calpurnia
  • Dill (Charles Baker) Harris
  • Aunt Alexandra
  • Miss Maudie Atkinson
  • Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose