Writing Homework Help

Wayne Community College Letter from the Alabama Clergymen Discussion Questions


I don’t know how to handle this English question and need guidance.

You can simply write your notes in paragraph form.

You should discuss:

  1. Project:
    • Topic, Purpose, Method of Delivery
  2. Argument: What is their main (overall) argument?
  3. Claim: list at least one claim they use to support their argument. Provide a quote from the text.
  4. Evidence: for the claim you have listed above, what type of evidence did the clergymen use? (historical example, numerical, anecdote, etc.)
  5. Strategy: for the claim listed above, what type of strategy did the clergymen use? (one of the appeals, identification, compare & contrast, prolepsis, etc.)
  6. Who was their primary audience?
  7. Do you think the type of evidence and the strategy they used effectively convinced the audience? Why or why not?