Writing Homework Help

UofM Female and Male Songs Comparisons Question


I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.

For the purposes of this assignment, I would like you to do the following things:

1. Choose 4 songs that you will be analyzing:

  • You need to choose 2 parallel groups for your analysis
  • Units of analysis should differ only in 1 aspect: either sex of the singer, year of release, or the country of release.

For example: 2 most popular male songs vs 2 most popular female songs of 2021 in the US, or 2 most popular female British songs vs. 2 most popular female US songs of 1970, or 2 most popular rap songs vs. 2 most popular country songs of whatever year, or 2 most popular female songs of 2021 vs. 1980 in Australia, etc.

2. Create a table with the lyrics for each of 4 songs

3. Provide analysis of the chosen 2 groups of songs in the form of an essay (300+ words long). In your essay discuss the following:

  • What is the content/problem/topic of those songs?
  • What are the feelings & sentiments that are present? (anger, shame, pride, love, hate, …)
  • Compare the content of those 2 categories of songs: what differences/similarities do you see over time/across countries/across sexes
  • What rhetorical tools do the authors use?
  • Find metaphors, hyperbole, simile, synecdoche and discuss their role in creating a particular feeling/sentiment
  • How does the content/topic of the songs relate to the real world? Do these songs illustrate any processes happening in the world?