Writing Homework Help

University College Birmingham Family Friendly Policies in Companies Discussion



Step 1: After contributing a thoughtful initial post (200+ words) by Thursday night, provide meaningful feedback (75+ words) to three classmates by Sunday. Be constructive and respectful. Please post promptly as no extension is provided.

Step 2: Respond to feedback received from your classmates. Be constructive and respectful. Answer questions.

Minimum posts required each week = 4

Discussion prompt:

The closing case on page 21 of your textbook states:

A growing number of workers do not feel there’s a healthy balance between work and personal life. Some are tired of working 10- to 12-hour days and weekends. Many want a better balance between work and family. These employees search for companies that offer family-friendly features, such as flexible scheduling, telecommuting, and child care. The following two companies have been the list of 100 best companies for working mothers:

American Express: This financial services company describes its commitment to the health of its employees as a “core business value.” Employees who want to lose weight, screen for medical conditions, or reduce stress can consult with nurses, health coaches, dietitians, and physicians at company-sponsored wellness clinics. The company offers seminars on eating well and cafeterias with nutritious meals.

Bain & Company: This Boston-based management consulting firm offers all employees flexible schedules and the opportunity to work off-site. Women may reduce their work schedules by 40 percent and still be considered for promotions. The firm offers fully paid maternity leave up to 12 weeks.

For this week’s discussion, provide your opinions on the following:

What are some of the economic benefits that justify the family-friendly services offered by these two companies?

Some companies develop work/life programs that focus primarily on employees who have children. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach?