Writing Homework Help

Personality Assessment Presentation


my topic is Personality..


Personality or Intelligence


Assignment are to be presented to the class as whole. Each group presents for 10 minutes. They must use PowerPoint and have a written script of the oral presentation.

Requirements and marks allocated
Assignment must conform closely to the slides on blackboard for the topic chosen and must cover:

  • Definition of major concepts
    • – E.g. Intelligence, measurement,
    • – personality, assessment
  • The major theories/theorists
    • – Intelligence: Alfred Binet (1881), Wechsler, Spearman, Gardner, Anderson, Sternberg’striarchic theory, Genetics & Intelligence.
    • – Psychoanalytic approach, Behaviourist approach, Cognitive approach, Humanist approach,evolutionary approach.-
  • An example of application
    • – Measuring and assessing learning disability
    • – Personality assessment tools
  • Discussion – strengths and weaknesses of the main ideas

– Evaluating at least two theories/theorists from the above in terms of their strengths and
