Writing Homework Help

Fullerton College Genetic Modification CRISPR and DNA Patterns Essay


Essay 2 is also paired with an Annotated Bibliography. We will work on this together as well, starting next week.


  1. You will have 4 full weeks to write this essay

Prompt Questions

For this essay, you are explaining the controversy over the use of CRISPR CAS-9 to alter the human genome. 

  1. Using 3 of the assigned readings, plus 1 academic text found on your own write a thesis-driven essay that answers all of the following questions:

What is CRISPR CAS-9? (i.e. what does it do? how is it used) Explain this in the intro or the first body paragraph

What are 2 major potential benefits to the pursuit of genetic modification?

  1. What are 2 major potential risks to the pursuit of genetic modification?*

*Discuss each benefit and each risk in its own paragraph, which means you have at least 4 body paragraphs

Prompt Breakdown

Click on each of the following expanders to read more details about what to include in the essay.

Introduction Paragraph

The introduction should:

  1. Include introductory ideas (about 5-7 sentences) that introduce your essay topic and relate to your entire essay. 

Example topics:  

The definition of CRISPR CAS-9

A (brief) history of genetic engineering

End with your thesis.  

Your thesis should: 

Respond to all of the prompt questions,

Be 1-2 sentences,

  1. Be clear, and 

Be specific.

  1. (See the thesis templates below for more help.)

Body Paragraphs

  1. Your 4-6 body paragraphs should focus on answering the prompt questions and proving your thesis. 

Each of your body paragraphs should:

Start with a topic sentence (i.e., the main point of your paragraph that responds to one of the prompt questions). 

Include cited evidence from the assigned sources

Introduce sources/speakers, 

Summarize evidence, and 

Quote when there’s a good reason to.

Explain how your evidence proves your point and why the evidence and/or your point is important (i.e., analyze your evidence).

Conclusion Paragraph

Finally, end your essay with a conclusion that:

Wraps up your ideas (in 1-2 sentences) and 

Includes concluding thoughts that discuss one topic that relates to the entire essay (3-5 sentences) 

  1. Example topics: A call to  action (convince us to do something right now), an optimistic look  toward the future, why your peers should understand genetic engineering;  basically, what is your final thought about the topic and why should  your audience care about it?

Thesis Templates

Feel free to use the following templates as you draft your own thesis:

CRISPR CAS-9 is a fascinating technology that some fear because (risk 1) and (risk 2); however, others see the potential of (benefit 1) and (benefit 2)

  • While some people fear the advancement of the technology known as CRISPR CAS-9 because (risk 1 and risk 2), there are multiple benefits to learning more about it, including (benefit 1) and (benefit 2)

The new genetic engineering technology known as CRISPR CAS-9 is controversial because it could (risk 1 and risk 2) or it could (benefit 1 and benefit 2). 

  • Organization Options
  • This essay has a logical pattern that must be followed: 
  1. Define “CRISPR CAS-9,” (in the intro paragraph or the first body paragraph)

Explain two potential risks

Explain two potential benefits 

  • See the chart for 2 options:

  Section of Essay  

  1. Option #1:

Start with Definition

  1. Option #2: 
  2. Start with a Hook
  3.  Intro Paragraph  
  • Definition of CRISPR CAS-9

What it is

How it is used


Hook and introductory ideas (e.g., share a personal story, start with a history or statistics from an assigned source, etc.)

Bridge/transition to thesis


Body *section 1  

  1. Explain 1 risk: what is one reason people are afraid of pursuing this technology on humans? 

  1. Definition of CRISPR CAS-9. What it is and how is it used?

Body *section 2  

Explain 1 risk: what is one reason people are afraid of pursuing this technology on humans? 

Explain 1 risk: what is one reason people are afraid of pursuing this technology on humans? 

Body *section 3  

Explain 1 benefit: why should we continue to study this technology?

  1. Explain 1 risk: what is one reason people are afraid of pursuing this technology on humans?
  2. Body *section 4  
  3. Explain 1 benefit: why should we continue to study this technology?

Explain 1 benefit: why should we continue to study this technology?


Body *section 5

(no 5th body section)

Explain 1 benefit: why should we continue to study this technology?



Wrap up & concluding thoughts. You may take a stand here if you wish–do you think the pros outweigh the cons? Or vice versa? Do not include these opinion in the body paragraphs.

  1. Wrap up & concluding thoughts. You may take a stand here if you wish–do you think the pros outweigh the cons? Or vice versa? Do not include these opinion in the body paragraphs.

Notes about the 2 options:

Both of the options above are equally valid, but they’re different styles and will have different effects on the reader, so you have to choose which one you prefer.

Option #1: Starting straight in with the definition will give your essay a serious tone, and make it sound more like a scientific, research-based essay.

Option #2: Starting with a hook, background, or a story will give your essay more of a creative and emotional tone. It will put more emphasis on the human side of this issue and may make the essay sound more like an essay for a humanities class or even a newspaper or magazine article.

  • *A note about “sections”:

Please note that any of the parts labeled “section” above could be more than 1 paragraph if:

You have a lot to say about that topic and 

There’s a logical place to break up the ideas.