Writing Homework Help

Rasmussen College Evaluation in Practice KWLAQ Report



One of the goals of your early learning program is to intentionally support positive outcomes for children. To meet this goal, the program policy states that, as an educator, you must observe each child and then complete a K-W-L-A-Q to help inform your curriculum practices.


Part One: Observation

  • Select a method to record an observation of a child and observe the child for a minimum of 10 minutes.
  • If you do not have access to observe a child, please record your observation based on Jamie’s segment of this video beginning at 00:45:15 and ending at 00:55:40.
  • Provide detailed observations using your selected method.
  • Identify the child’s age (birth to age 8).
  • Explain the setting including the program type, demographics, and child to teacher ratio.
  • Remember confidentiality must be maintained.

Part Two: KWLAQ Chart

Based on your observation of the child, create a K-W-L-A-Q chart that:

  • Describes in detailed:
  • What you know about the child.
  • What you want to know about the child.
  • What you learned about the child as a result of the observation.
  • Explains at least 1 new action you will take to support the child. (Example of actions might include (communication with the family, modifications to teaching practice, curriculum material, or the environment).
  • Provides a rationale of why the suggested action is developmentally appropriate.
  • Identifies at least 1 question you still have after completing your observation and action plan.
  • Describes how you plan to gather additional data to answer the question.
  • Describes how answering the question will help you continue to plan to support positive outcomes for the child.