Writing Homework Help

California Southern University Parent Child Relationship Quality Presentation


Step Two – Putting Revised Outline in Presenter’s Notes: Next, you will revise your outline from Module 5 based on your instructor’s feedback. Put your revised outline in the Presenter’s Notes of your slideshow. This will allow you to develop slides based on your presentation’s content. A good rule of thumb is to only share one main idea per slide, so use this best practice to incorporate your outline into the Presenter’s Notes.

Step Three – Create Slides: After you’ve incorporated your outline into your Presenter’s Notes, develop a slideshow based on the best practices for visual design you’ve learned from your Module 5 and 6 readings, videos, and lessons. Be sure to apply the following slide design rules:

  • Limit the amount of text on each slide. You will speak the information in the Presenter’s Notes, so there is no need to include that information word-for-word on the slides.
  • Apply the picture superiority effect by finding one large, clear image to include on each slide. Add a little bit of relevant text on top.
  • Stick to one main idea per slide.
  • Eliminate “noise” and clutter (too many fonts, too many colors, overlapping images, etc.). Instead, focus on simplicity and tidiness