Writing Homework Help

Louisiana State University Personal Experience and School Community Paper


Please write me this essay. For this essay, you need to write about a true event in your life or someone else’s life. Remember, your audience will react well to stories that are close to home and ones they can relate to. Try to be as real as possible.

Some ideas for non-fiction:

A memoir (anything you want to talk about)

Inspirational experiences

Overcoming challenges



Fears or regret

Have fun with the assignment, but only share what you want. Even in non-fiction, you can be selective in what you want to share with your audience. Please make this essay 5 PAGES AND DOUBLE SPACED AND ABOUT AN EXPERIENCE IN YOUR LIFE NOT MINE. I just need a paper to turn in for the time being, so the event doesn’t need to be about me. Please make sure this is well written and completed in 6 hours. Thank you and feel free to ask me any questions need be.