Writing Homework Help

Development of Childhood Anxiety Question


Part 1: (3/4 pg to 1 page written length)

  • Summary of research study or experiment: (In your own words, describe what was done in the study or experiment–how the research was conducted.)
  1. what did they study
  2. Who did they study (be specific, give concrete detail [ex: 500 college students from……])
  3. How did they do the testing
  4. Why did they study this, what was their reason
  5. What is their Hypothesis

This information can be found in the article sections:

  • Introduction (will be in your article)
  • Methods (will be in your article)
  • Procedure and/ or Participants (May be in your article)

Part 2: (3/4 pg to 1 page written length)

  • Summary of research findings:
    • What did they find? What were the results of the study? (Be concrete!)
      • results (bad section to find in though) – NO
      • Discussion (This is where the information is!) -YES
      • Conclusion

Part 3: (1 page minimum to 1.5 pgs)

  • Implications for professional or personal life:
    • Here is where you have your “ah ha” moment.
    • How does the article directly relate to you in your personal life and/ or professional life (past, present, or future).
    • Be specific………..
      • (example: “when I was growing up I experienced many traumatic evenings due to my parents divorce and my mom working the evening shift at work. I would wake up and see that she wasn’t home yet and begin to fear that she had died or I would never see her again. In some cases I would panic and begin hyperventilating. On one occasion, I sat in the snow, outside my house, waiting for my mom to come back. Now as an adult, I struggle with PTSD and anxiety directly related to these events. I have a great fear of the night time and have a fear of being abandoned………”
    • You do not want to reference your article here, rather discuss how this topic relates to your life.