Writing Homework Help

UCSD Disability Justice Movements Presentation


Learning Objectives

Students will explain the disability justice movement. 

Students will apply their knowledge of the disability justice framework to other concepts learned in the course.

Students will create an engaging, educational, accessible, and professional presentation using Powerpoint.

  1. Assignment Description
  2. You will research one of the topics below as it relates to disability justice. You will create an accessible Powerpoint presentation. The PowerPoint should be at minimum 6- 8 slides. To make your assignment accessible you are required to follow the accessibility instructions listed below.  Your assignment must meet the following requirements.
  3. Step 1: Pick one of the topics listed below: 


housing affordability or

overall housing access


healthcare rationing or

access to reproductive health

Law Enforcement

prison trends or

  • police reform/defunding

Step 2: Research the selected topic. 

Make sure to list your sources somewhere on the assignment. It does not need to be a formal APA/MLA format but we need to know where you got your information from. We HIGHLY encourage you to seek out sources that were not used in the class so far. 

Step 3: Create a Powerpoint slide presentation using the guidelines below:

Your PowerPoint slides must be accessible. In addition to accessibility, you must include the 6 following parts to your PowerPoint slides. You do not have to present this to us or other students. 

  • Slide 1 – Describe/Define the Disability Justice Movement?
    What is Disability Justice? Include the definition and cite your source of the definition.
    – Provide an image that represents disability justice in the context of your topic or issue. Your image must be accessible (it must include alt text description).

Slide 2 – Describe/Define First Point or Argument of Chosen Topic
What is one angle, point, or argument of your chosen topic and what is one way that it relates to disability justice (facts, quotes, arguments, controversy, etc.
-Provide an image that represents disability justice in the context of this angle, point, or argument. Your image must be accessible (it must include alt text description).

Slide 3 – Describe/Define Second Point or Argument of Chosen Topic
– What is a second angle, point, or argument of your chosen topic and how does it relate to disability justice (facts, quotes, arguments, controversy, etc.)
– Provide an image that represents disability justice in the context of this angle, point, or argument. Your image must be accessible (it must include alt text description).

  • Slide 4 – Personal Reflection
    Why did you pick this topic? What is your personal motivation or connection to it?
    – Was anything uncomfortable and why (controversial, conflicting, confronting, explain)?
    – Provide at least one image that represents your reflection on this issue. Your image/s must be accessible (images must include alt text description).
    – Put your bulleted main ideas in the slide itself.
    – Put a more detailed reflection paragraph in the notes section of your reflection slide.

    This is the basic outline. It is the bare minimum required. If you discover the need to include more slides in order to accommodate more points or arguments, you may do so. We suggest no more than 8 slides.

All Slides – Accessibility
You must check the accessibility of your Powerpoint slide deck prior to submitting.
– To check accessibility, go to “Review.” Then go to “Check Accessibility.” This will guide you in ensuring that your Powerpoint is accessible to screen readers and other assistive technology that readers may be using.