Writing Homework Help

University of Utah Are Too Many People Going To College by Charles Murray Discussion


Write a 3-4 page reflection based on your revising process for this assignment (document, below). The following items could be discussed:

  • The development of your assignment from the original choice of topic to the final draft.
  • How did the addition of more sources change your perspective on the topic?
  • The feedback from your classmates that were useful to your revisions
  • How the lessons and readings in “They Say, I Say” guided your final assignment and your understanding of how to write a summary/synthesis using various sources.
  • Some challenges you had and how you met them

There are no additional sources required for this essay, which is a personal reflection. You may refer to readings from “They Say, I Say” or other sources and use short quotations or paraphrases. You should format this paper in APA style for the heading, page numbers, and spacing. Don’t forget to add a title.