Writing Homework Help

MDC Sexuality the Media and Older Adults Discussion


I’m working on a writing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

1. Love and Sex in the Media.

Watch a prominent TV show that portrays adult sexuality, especially among young adults. What is shown about relationships between love/emotional closeness and sexual desire as perceived by women and men? Is this portrayal accurate? What is the relationship between love and sex and between sexual attraction and sex? Does this reflect any of the theories discussed in your textbook? What values and ideas are being conveyed? Is extra relational sex a media norm? A cultural norm? What messages are being conveyed about assumptions regarding monogamy? 

2. Sexuality, The Media, and Older Adults

Watch The Golden Girls, Grace and Frankie, Betty White’s Off the Rocker, Happy-ish or a similar program about older subjects. How is sexuality depicted among older women and men? How accurate is its depiction? What is shown about relationships between love/emotional closeness and sexual desire as perceived by women and men? Is this portrayal accurate? What are your own personal thoughts on aging and sexuality, what are some things you learned about aging and sexuality you did not know before this course? 


Discusses gender role stereotypes of adult sexuality throughout the lifespan

Discusses media’s portrayal of various adult sexual behaviors, typical and atypical, what is socially accepted or not. 

Discusses the influence of the media on sexuality

Includes information on the media that is discussed