Writing Homework Help

CCJ 4614 FSU Rational Choice Theory Committing Crimes & Rational Decisions Essay


An important component of understanding criminal and delinquent behavior is understanding why people engage in this behavior. Criminologists have proposed many theories for explaining criminal behavior, but there continues to be significant debate in this area. For this assignment, consider the different theoretical explanations for criminal and delinquent behavior that have been explored in the class thus far (see the list of examples below). Now imagine that you are engaging in a personal conversation with someone who has just learned that you are a student in the FSU criminology program. After learning this, they ask: “why do people commit crime?” You decide to draw on your knowledge of your favorite criminological theory in your answer. Which theory, or theories, do you draw from in order to answer your question?

In your assignment, you should clearly state which theory you chose and describe this theory in detail. Why did you choose this theory, rather than a different theory? Are there particular forms of criminal or delinquent behavior that your theory is better suited to explain? Are there forms of delinquent behavior that your theory is not well suited to explain?

Theories for consideration: Deterrence theory, Rational/situational choice theory, Labeling theory, Routine activities theory, Social bonds theory, Self-control theory, Conflict theory, Social disorganization theory, and Differential association/social learning,