Writing Homework Help

Excelsior College Harassment in Work Case Study


Over the next several weeks, you will be building a Case Study, a Proposal, a Presentation, and a Social Media Campaign that will all focus on one topic: a specific problem in a workplace. In this week’s Icebreaker, you’ll be identifying the problem you want to explore. You will find it helpful to review the M4.4 Discussion and M4.5 Case Study instructions before beginning this activity.

In your response, be sure to introduce the problem and the effects the problem is having in the workplace. Then, include any background information you believe is relevant to a general audience’s understanding of the problem and its effects. The goal of this activity is to help you prewrite the Introduction and Background sections of the Case Study and get feedback on them from your peers and your instructor.

Your response should be no more than three minutes in length. You will find it helpful to write your response before attempting to record it. As a general rule of thumb, one minute of spoken words is roughly equivalent to 150 written words.