Writing Homework Help

LBS 3468 FIU Separation of Brads Parents Case Study


Overview: This Assignment is case study analysis and it has three parts: (1) Opening Statement and Storytelling, (2) Agenda Setting and Negotiation, and (3) Settlement and Closure. Using the attached portfolio document, students will select ONE case to: (1) identify and analyze each party’s issues, interests, rights, positions, etc., (2) set an agenda for mediation, (3) negotiate a resolution, and (4) write an agreement that both parties can agree with.

The attached portfolio document contains all the instructions you need to complete this case study analysis. Please read the instructions carefully, including the checklist before submitting your assignment:


  • All three parts are completed.
  • Document is organized, formatted, and presentable. To limit distortion of table or graphics, PDF document and upload.
  • Document includes page numbers, cover page, and reference page.
  • Cover page has all the required information and is the first page of assignment.
  • Case analysis contains support and evidence from textbook. Students will be graded based on the comprehensive analysis of the case study and how they integrated the textbook and other sources to support their work. Students are expected to use APA citations, from the textbook and/or other sources, to support their analysis. Adding reference list at the end of the document without in-text citations is not supporting your work. Provide evidence from the textbook to support your rationales and analysis. How to use APA to cite work.