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RWS 305 SDSU Identity Capital in The Current Labor Market Essay


Part A)

Both Robert Reich and Tyler Cowen discuss in their respective chapters (“Three Jobs of the Future” and “The Big Earners and the Big Losers”) that the current labor market is very competitive.  Indeed, Reich implies that one’s ability to secure and retain employment in today’s workforce depends on his or her ability to add value to what his or her organization does.  Meg Jay, the author of The Defining Decade (an author whose work we will read in more detail in the Project 4 module), extends this idea in her discussion of the need for people to build their value by developing what she calls “identity capital,”  which is “our collection of personal assets.  It is the repertoire of individual resources that we assemble over time.  These are the investments we make in ourselves, the things we do well enough, or long enough, that they become a part of who we are” (p. 6).

Discuss at least three specific things you are doing or will do to develop your identity capital in order to make yourself more valuable to an employer.

Part B) 

Directions:  Post your own responses to the following questions.

  1. What does Reich mean when he says at the end of his chapter in the course reader, “The only true competitive advantage lies in skill in solving, identifying, and brokering new problems?” Which of Reich’s three categories of employment (in-person service providers, routine production service providers, symbolic analysts) would include occupations that would be in a position of doing this?  In other words, who is it that will identify and solve new problems in business and industry? When you post your comments or responses to others’ comments, use information from Reich’s article to support your points.
  2. What does Cowen mean when he says on page 28 of the reader, “Labor markets are tough, and not always fair, but intelligence will be rewarded for a long time to come.”  Who is he talking about?  What type of intelligence is Cowen discussing?  In Reich’s classification system, which category of employees (symbolic analysts, in-person service providers, routine production services providers) would be those to whom Cowen might be referring?  Why? Use information from our text to support your opinion.

Part C)


1.  Read “The Three Jobs of the Future,” by Robert Reich.

2.  Write an analysis of Reich’s chapter, making sure you cover all the following questions, although not necessarily in the order they appear here.

  • Introduce Reich and title of his chapter. Describe briefly what the chapter is about and explain Reich’s purpose in writing it.
  • What is Reich’s main claim—stated in your own words? What reasons does he give to support this claim?
  • Who is Reich’s audience?
  • What does Reich want the audience to do or feel as a result of reading this chapter (for example: change their minds/opinions, vote in a certain way, broaden their understanding of a subject, give money to a cause, take some other action?)
  • Explain the rhetorical situation/context/larger discussion of Reich’s topic: the diversity and changing nature of the global labor market and its influence on the American work place.  What are the key concerns regarding this issue?  Use the other chapters you have read in class to help you understand the context of this topic as you explain each of the other authors’ claims, the supporting ideas they use to develop their arguments, and how their arguments relate to Reich’s arguments.
  • Identify at least two (2) rhetorical techniques/strategies/appeals Reich uses to persuade his intended audience. Provide examples from his chapter and explain why he uses these strategies.  Does he more heavily rely on one type of technique over others?  Why does he do this?

3.  In the second part of your rhetorical analysis paper evaluate the extent to which all four of these readings have influenced your views about the diversity and changing nature of the global labor market and its influence on the American work place. Evaluate the credibility and sufficiency of the evidence used to support each argument as you address the following questions:

  • How have your views changed as a result of reading these chapters?
  • Which argument(s) most influenced your views?