Writing Homework Help

Glendale Community College CH3 Political Affairs of Immigration Management Paper


This paper was supposed to be about O Pioneers! You need to integrate your two topics: Immigration in O Pioneers! You may have until 11 pm. to edit/revise. Please see the requirements in your syllabus,

{ Research Paper this semester will be to compose a researched essay on Willa Cather’s novel O Pioneers! which you will read over the first few weeks of class. You will be required to turn in short observations of the chapters you read, primarily main ideas, interesting points, observation on style, and one question or observation for class discussion. You will find the format for this included in the syllabus. These assignments will help you discover a topic you may want to research. You will use one chapter of Writing About Literature to be your guide as your write your essay. For example, if you want to write about the Alexandra as a model of patience and diligence, you would use Chapter 3 “Writing About Characters” to help you find ideas and organize your essay. You might also work the other way: If there is a chapter you really enjoyed, you might discover an idea from O Pioneers! that would work with that particular chapter. For example, you may have enjoyed Chapter 16 “Writing About a Work in Its Historical, Intellectual, and Cultural Context” and so you discover that you would like to write about O Pioneers! and the American Immigrant. Whatever you choose, remember that all research begins in ambiguity, and the more you read and research, the more refined your ideas will become. The paper requirements are as follows: Length: 3-5 pages Format: MLA format, typed, double spaced etc. Required sources: 3-5 Academic/scholarly sources which will be formatted in a Bibliography according to MLA standards.