Writing Homework Help

Miami University Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility Discussion


1. Critically evaluate marketing ethics and social responsibility/ethical marketing and the principles that should be followed. Give at least 3 examples of unethical practices and examine them in detail.

2.  Examine the role of “perception” in consumer behavior and illustrate how many companies systematically manage consumers’ perception of marketing stimuli by appealing to the five senses. Demonstrate the marketing implications of each sense by providing relevant examples and analysis.

3. . Critically differentiate between low- and high-involvement consumer decisions, taking all the relevant factors into consideration, and give your own examples (based on your own consumer behaviour) for both types of effort. Consider the role of feeling-based decision making in both as well.

4.  Analyze and discuss the three factors that determine the amount of effort and involvement consumers put into searching for information, making choices, and judging whether an experience is satisfactory.  Provide a specific example to illustrate your analysis.