Writing Homework Help

Cuyamaca College Gender Inequality In United States Essay


identify a social problem, movement, or issue facing a contemporary society of your choice. Use the theory to inform, support, predict, or critique the social problem, movement, or issue you chose. ( I was thinking of using the inequality that women of color receive from police, in the work place, etc. as the social problem)

– History/Context:of the social issue or movement

Theoretical Framework:explain the applicable core features of the theory

Theory Update: propose a new edit or rendition of the theory that better fits your case

Case Study: walk us through an eventbasedsectionillustrating the argument

Past Policy Attempts:explaining past laws or reformefforts that did or did not work

Anticipated Opposition:outlining a defense to expected counterarguments

Policy Implications:explaining what new laws or reforms you think need created

Recommendations for Future Research: explaining academic studies you think need done

Include at least one table or figure, labeled and marked according to ASA Style. It can be a chart of relevant statistics or a cultural artifact illustrating your point. Make sure it is not just a loosely related meme or image, but something that largely reinforces your argument.

12ptfont. Include at least 10 relevant scholarly sources (at least half of which must be from peerreviewed sociological journals). Intext citations and the references page should be in ASA style.

I provided 2 sources to be used in the essay:

