Writing Homework Help

De Anza College Visual Arguments and Multimedia Arrangements Questions


I’m studying for my English class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

What did you learn about the history of institutionalized racism, from the era of slavery through to the war on drugs and current era of police shootings, that you didn’t know before? 

Do the speakers anticipate opposing viewpoints in their discussion of the history of racism and incarceration? What are the viewpoints they address and how do they offer counter-arguments?   

How do the speakers’ discussions of the history of the prison industrial complex inform us as viewers? Do you have any understanding of what “the prison industrial complex” is and how it operates in the U.S? Do they present a fair argument? Why or why not?

How do the visual arguments, photos/images of slavery, lynchings, and police brutality add to our discussion of technology and visual arguments? Offer an example of a particularly effective visual presentation in the film and tell why you think it works well.