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Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Geriatric Assessment Tools Nursing Essay


Assignment: Create-A-Toolbox for Gero Assessment of Listed Problem. Access resources.

Goal: Evaluate, Select, and Report on Geriatric Assessment Tools

Assignment Instruction and Rubric

A. Evaluate, Select, and Write a Report and Create-A-Tool report reflecting activities 1 through 4 below and submit by the assigned due date. June 26

1. Problem (Symptom) to be assessed e.g. Depression in older adults

• Background of problem – brief (what, who, why, where, how) of depression. 


2. Assessment tool recommended for the problem to be assessed in an older person

• Identify tool recommended in the EB article e.g. “Aged Persons Depression Scale”

• Is there another tool/s that can be used to assess this problem – Identify  e.g. “Modified Depression Scale for Institutionalized Adults”


3. Select the tool best suited for problem need and population – best of the two identified in #2.

• Background of selected tool from #2 e.g. My selection of best tool for depression assessment in older persons is the “Modified Depression Scale for Institutionalized Adults (MDSIA)”

• Define/describe selected tool 

• Indications for use/ who needs to be assessed

• Rationale for this selection. Why is tool the best selection for the problem compared to the other (not selected)?

• Include Reliability and validity of use in specific population

• How is it scored and

• How are the scores obtained with this tool interpreted?

• Obtain and save a copy of your tool of choice in the toolbox journal