Writing Homework Help

W4 SOnal Khullar and Amrita Sher Gil Analysis


summary and analysis 

As we approach the interwar years, we are grappling not only with questions about race, but also about gender. This week we begin to look at how two Asian women challenge the gaze of male artists in Europe. Both Yuliang and Shergil use their own bodies as inspiration to counter Western ways of looking. Why are are they doing this?

Please summarize the article by Sonal Khullar and then tackle the above-mentioned question. You may use any material from Week 4 to support your answer.


video: Video “The naked lady that changed the rules of art”

Video “Manet, Olympia” from Smarthistory 

Video “Amrita Sher-Gil” from Films Division 

Video “Amrita Sher-Gil’s “Untitled (Self Portrait)”” from Sotheby’s 

Video “Amrita Sher-Gil: In Memoriam | Feminism In India” from Feminism In India 

Video “Journey of a Great Woman: Pan Yu-Lin” from AsiaSocietyHK 

Video “Female artists in Asia, in honour of Asia Society’s Pan Yuliang Exhibition” from Hong Kong Art Gallery Association (HKAGA)