1 page essay proposal

1 page essay proposal

Topic :  Tricksters transform the world around them and are themselves transformed.




2) The thesis statement should appear in the introductory paragraph to your essay.

3) Write an essay supporting your thesis.

4) Your essay must be at least 1500 words.

5) Make sure that:

A) Each paragraph has at least five sentences.

B) The essay as a whole has at least five paragraphs.

C) The essay has both an introductory paragraph and a concluding paragraph.

D) The essay has at least three supporting paragraphs.

E) Each supporting paragraph contains a subthesis (which is usually the first sentence of the supporting paragraph).

F) Each subthesis refers in some way to BOTH myths you have chosen for your essay. G) Each supporting paragraph, therefore, must discuss BOTH myths.

H) Each supporting paragraph includes at least TWO direct quotations, one from each myth. The quotations must support the subthesis of the paragraph.

6) For these direct quotations, you do NOT need to cite the specific line numbers or page numbers. You can just say: As the author of the Enuma Elish says, Ea “poured sleep upon [Apsu] so that he was sleeping soundly.” In the Theogony, Hesiod writes: “In truth at first Chaos came to be, but next widebosomed Gaia (Earth), the ever-sure foundation of all the deathless ones who hold the peaks of snowy Olympus.”

7) You do NOT need a works cited page or bibliography, and you do NOT need footnotes.

8) Read the Sample Paragraphs for the Essay file under Essay Assignment.

9) This is an essay, not a research paper. You should not have to do any outside research. In fact, I would strongly discourage outside research (especially on the internet). All you need for the essay are the assigned readings, the lectures, and your own thoughts about the myths. When you offer your own thoughts, be sure you back them up with evidence from the readings or lectures.

10) Important: Beware of information you see on the web! It is often wrong, and it will be obvious that you got your information from the web and not from the assigned myths and readings. If you depend on the web for the information in your essays, your grade will suffer.