Social Science homework help

Social Science homework help. Economics 339 (A01), CRN 21030
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Students must abide by UVic academic regulations and observe standards of ‘scholarly integrity,’ (no plagiarism or cheating). Therefore, this online exam must be taken individually and not with a friend, classmate, or group. You are also prohibited from sharing any information about the exam with others.
I _____type in name___________ affirm that I will not give or receive any aid on this exam or access any unauthorized resources and that all work will be my own.


Part 1: do 2 of the following 3 questions. Each question is worth 25 marks.
1.1(each part of this question is worth 5 marks) The table below describes the productivities of Esther and Rajan (E&R) in market work and home production.

  Market production/hour Home production/hour
Esther $10 $8
Rajan $6 $10

The unit price of market goods is $1. Each person has 8 hours to work each day.
Another couple, Sylvan and Alex, have the same productivities: Sylvan is identical to Rajan, while Alex and Esther are identical.
Esther and Rajan both engage in market work. Sylvan works full time at home, so only Alex works in the market.

  1. Given this information, which couple has the higher opportunity cost of home produced goods? Explain how you determined this. You can add a diagram if that helps, but you are not required to include one.


  1. Can you determine which couple has the higher utility? Explain why or why not.

Suppose now that value of market production for both Alex and Esther increased to $12/per hour.

  1. Explain the change in the household joint production possibility frontier generated by this change.


  1. Explain what would happen to each couple’s choice of both household and market produced goods, using an analysis by means of income and substitution effects.


  1. What changes in time allocation for each couple that would be necessary to produce and consume this new bundle? Briefly explain your reasoning.

1.2 In response to the losses of market income many people faced in response to COVID-19, both the Canadian federal government and the BC provincial government initiated programs that would provide individuals with immediately with money. Consider a family with two adults and 2 children – one in elementary school and the other in daycare.
What do you think would happen to the sharing of goods between the two adults if the household head model described this family? If the appropriate model was the cooperative bargaining model?
Note: this is a very general question, so I expect answers will vary widely across students. I want you to think about the properties of the two models, and apply them to the current situation. You can keep the general description of the family above, or you can consider a specific example: both adults work part time in the market and part-time at home; one adult specializes in market work and one in home production, or an example of any other common family arrangement.
1.3On page 253 of the required text, Eswaran states that “..the theory of fertility choice predicts that increases in income will increase fertility and that increases in the cost of children will decrease utility.”
Using no more than a page, describe how you would explain this to someone who had never taken an economics course?

Social Science homework help

Social Science homework help

gram Evaluation in Your Professional Aspirations
You now have a year of generalist social work courses and a generalist field practicum under your belt. In your OMSW 507 or BSW policy class, you learned about social problems that disproportionately affect urban African Americans and other marginalized groups, as well as social welfare policies and programs that have attempted to address them.
In your view, what are some of the most pressing social problems affecting urban African Americans? 
What outcome(s) related to these problems are you planning to address as a professional MSW level social worker?
At what level(s) of practice do you envision focusing your professional practice (e.g., micro, mezzo, macro) and what role can program evaluation play in achieving the outcomes you identified given your intended level of practice? I plan to focus on the micro level of practice.
Please make sure you properly reference and cite adhering to APA standards as you support your stance by utilizing the ppt., text, outside resources, etc.
Module 3 Discussion
Suppose you were doing a needs assessment for a program in your field practicum or the social service agency in which you work. You have some data on the social problem that the program is designed to address, but you are unable to find data on the specific community that your program serves. Therefore, you have decided that you will obtain information about the characteristics of the target population for the program using key informants.
Briefly describe the agency and the program you are using for this example (e.g. state mission and purpose of the agency, a brief description of the target population for the program, and the goals/desired outcome of the program identified for the example.) agency: Maryland Department of Human Services; Mission: The mission of the Maryland Department of Human Services is to work on opportunities with the aim to improve people’s economy, provide mitigation strategies, and safeguard exposed people. The mission works with principles that help the department in achieving its goals. These include; achieving self-determination needs a person to work hard, working together between businesses and the community is important increasing customer ability to be autonomous, Assistance is given to citizens by acknowledging differences between individuals and groups, Enablement is essential for human services to be provided, Families should be the top resource for their children and other family members to provide emotional and financial support.; Vision: We imagine a Maryland in which persons support themselves and their families exclusively and where people are protected from violence and negligence. The Maryland department vision encourages individuals to put more effort into activities that bring in income and support for their families.; Goals: Maryland Department of Human Services (DHS) provides services to neglected and abused children. The services provided protect children and their families from continued exposure to harm and mistreatment. The goals of the department are;
1. Protecting children and supporting parents or caregivers to provide children with proper care and attention
2. Remedy and reduce the risk of chronic violence and neglect
3. Provide children with an alternative treatment plan when parents or guardians are unable to show adequate and health care for them
Objectives: the department aim in providing services that help families to be financially independent. The main objective is protecting children from violence and neglect and supporting families in the process of helping to provide their children with healthy parents. Child safety is a collective duty, and at the first indication of a concern, communities must strategically respond to children that are at risk of violence or neglect and collaborate with families, and resources can be mobilized through combined efforts. The community has a responsibility to ensure that prevention, action, and the appropriate resources are available.
Describe specific ways you could identify and engage key informants to provide the information you seek regarding your agency’s program. Provide a rationale for this approach. 
List specific questions you would ask of the informants to obtain the desired information.
Course Reflection Discussion
In the first module, you discussed how you envisioned that program evaluation might play a role in your professional practice. Now that you have presumably gained a deeper understanding of the functions of program evaluation and specific purposes it can serve, respond to the following questions. This is your opportunity to reflect on the knowledge, values, and skills you can take from this course.
How has your view of the relevance or usefulness of evaluation for your future social work practice evolved since your response to Discussion 1? (5 points)
Which of the common purposes of evaluations (i.e., Program Improvement, Accountability, Knowledge Generation– from Module 2 “tailoring evaluations”) would be useful in your current or future practice setting? Give 2 specific examples to illustrate. (10 points)
Do you feel that you personally could implement any of the program evaluation strategies you learned about in any meaningful way in your practice setting? If not, what additional knowledge or skills would you need to refine or develop? (5 points)
What connections can you draw between this course and other courses you have taken in the MSW Program? Explain the interconnection(s). (5 points)

Social Science homework help

I need 7 weekly discussion questions answered by 12.16.2020 at 12:00 p.m. I’ve listed the textbooks for the course. Under each discussion, I’ve listed the readings/topics for that week.
Straussner, S. (2014). Clinical Work with Substance Abusing Clients. (3rd Ed.). New York, NY:
Guildford Press.
McNeece, C. A. & DiNitto, D. M. (2012). Chemical dependency: A systems approach (4th ed.).
Week 1 Discussion Board
Carefully read the following instructions for every component of this assignment. Remember there are two parts to this assignment.
Part 1 – Individual Assignment
Find a recent news article (2015 or newer) that relates to the content discussed in that week’s class. You have broad discretion in choosing this article. The important part is that the article is, in some way, related to the week’s content.
In a few sentences, provide a brief summary of the article (the key points, particularly those that you find relevant to the week’s content).
Describe how the article is related to the week’s content.
Describe what new conclusions, insights, or understanding you have about the article after considering it within the context of what we learned this week. This is the most important part of the assignment – the goal here is to integrate what you learned this week into the way you are thinking about this article to come up with new insights or understanding that you wouldn’t have had before understanding this material.
Students are required to include the article on initial posting
APA Format
1. Burke, A. C., & Clapp, J.D. (1997). Ideology and social work practice in substance abuse settings.
Social Work, 42(6), 552-562.
2. NASW Standards for social work practice with client with substance use disorder- (Canvas Article)
3. Straussner- Chapters 1
4. McNeece- Chapters 1 & 2
5. Straussner- Chapter 2
6. McNeece- Chapters 3 & 4
7. Erickson, C. K., & White, W. L. (2009). The neurobiology of addiction recovery. Alcoholism
Treatment Quarterly27(3), 338-345. doi:10.1080/07347320903014255
8. Dackis, C., & O’Brien, C. (2005). Neurobiology of addiction: Treatment and public policy
ramifications. Nature Neuroscience8(11), 1431-1436. doi:10.1038/nn1105-1431
Week 2 Discussion Board
Carefully read the following instructions for every component of this assignment. Remember there are two parts to this assignment.
Part 1 – Individual Assignment
Find a recent news article (2015 or newer) that relates to the content discussed in that week’s class. You have broad discretion in choosing this article. The important part is that the article is, in some way, related to the week’s content.
In a few sentences, provide a brief summary of the article (the key points, particularly those that you find relevant to the week’s content).
Describe how the article is related to the week’s content.
Describe what new conclusions, insights, or understanding you have about the article after considering it within the context of what we learned this week. This is the most important part of the assignment – the goal here is to integrate what you learned this week into the way you are thinking about this article to come up with new insights or understanding that you wouldn’t have had before understanding this material.
Students are required to include the article on initial posting
1. Straussner- Chapter 3-5
2. McNeece- Chapters 5-7
3. APA (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed). Washington, DC- Pgs
4. NIDA (2012). Screening for drug use in general medical settings: Resource guide.
APA (2013). DSM V, section: Substance related and addictive behaviors, pgs 481-591 & Conditions for
future study, 792-798.
5. Wakefield, J. C. (2013). DSM-5: An overview of changes and controversies. Clinical Social Work
Journal, 41(2), 139-154.
6. Compton, W.M., Dawson, D.A., Goldstein, R.B, & Grant, B.F. (2013). Crosswalk between DSM-IV
dependence and DSM-5 substance use disorders for opioids, cannabis, cocaine and alcohol. Journal of
drug and alcohol dependence.
7. Arnaout, B., & Petrakis, I.L. (2008). Diagnosing co-morbid drug use in patients with alcohol use
disorders. Alcohol Research & Health, 31, 148-154.
Week 3 Discussion Board
Carefully read the following instructions for every component of this assignment. Remember there are two parts to this assignment.
Part 1 – Individual Assignment
Find a recent news article (2015 or newer) that relates to the content discussed in that week’s class. You have broad discretion in choosing this article. The important part is that the article is, in some way, related to the week’s content.
In a few sentences, provide a brief summary of the article (the key points, particularly those that you find relevant to the week’s content).
Describe how the article is related to the week’s content.
Describe what new conclusions, insights, or understanding you have about the article after considering it within the context of what we learned this week. This is the most important part of the assignment – the goal here is to integrate what you learned this week into the way you are thinking about this article to come up with new insights or understanding that you wouldn’t have had before understanding this material.
Students are required to include the article on initial posting
1. Straussner- Chapters 17-22
2. McNeece- Chapters 9, 12, 14 & 15
3. APA (2013). DSM V- Cultural formulation 749-759 & Glossary of cultural concepts pgs 833-837
4. Cosden, M., Panteleakos, F., Gutierrez, L., Barazani, S., & Gottheil, E. (2004). Strength-Based
Assessment of Adolescents Who Abuse Drugs: Implications for Helping High-Risk Youth.
California School Psychologist, 9115-126.
5. (Video)- Voices from the Harbor: Women’s experiences of pregnancy, addiction, and recovery –

6. (Video)- What everyone needs to know when working with LGBT-
7. Straussner- Ch 8 & 16
8. McNeece- Ch 11 & 13
9. TIP 42- Substance abuse treatment for persons with co-occurring disorders- Chapter 4
10. Potenza, M.N. (2007). Impulse control disorders and co-occurring disorders: Dual diagnosis
considerations. Journal of Dual Diagnosis, 3, 47-57.
11. Quello, S.B., Brady, K.T., Sonne, S.C. (2005). Mood disorders and substance use disorder: A
complex comorbidity. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 3(1), 13-21.
Week 4 Discussion Board
Carefully read the following instructions for every component of this assignment. Remember there are two parts to this assignment.
Part 1 – Individual Assignment
Find a recent news article (2015 or newer) that relates to the content discussed in that week’s class. You have broad discretion in choosing this article. The important part is that the article is, in some way, related to the week’s content.
In a few sentences, provide a brief summary of the article (the key points, particularly those that you find relevant to the week’s content).
Describe how the article is related to the week’s content.
Describe what new conclusions, insights, or understanding you have about the article after considering it within the context of what we learned this week. This is the most important part of the assignment – the goal here is to integrate what you learned this week into the way you are thinking about this article to come up with new insights or understanding that you wouldn’t have had before understanding this material.
Students are required to include article on initial posting
1. Straussner- Chapter 6
2. McNeece- Chapter 8
3. TIP 35: Enhancing Motivation for Change in Substance Abuse Treatment Chapter 1-3
4. (Video) Motivational Interviewing: Facilitating Change Across Boundaries –

5. Kennedy, K., & Gregoire, T. K. (2009). Theories of motivation in addiction treatment: Testing the
relationship of the transtheoretical model of change and self-determination theory. Journal of Social
Work Practice In The Addictions, 9(2), 163-183. doi:10.1080/15332560902852052
6. Groshkova, T. (2010). Motivation in substance misuse treatment. Addiction Research & Theory, 18(5),
494-510. doi:10.3109/16066350903362875
7. Ryan, S. A., Martel, S., Pantalon, M., Martino, S., Tetrault, J., Thung, S. F., & … D’Onofrio, G. (2012).
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) for Alcohol and Other Drug Use
among Adolescents: Evaluation of a Pediatric Residency Curriculum. Substance Abuse, 33(3), 251-260.
8. (Video) Motivational Enhancement Therapy-
Week 5 Discussion Board
Carefully read the following instructions for every component of this assignment. Remember there are two parts to this assignment.
Part 1 – Individual Assignment
Find a recent news article (2015 or newer) that relates to the content discussed in that week’s class. You have broad discretion in choosing this article. The important part is that the article is, in some way, related to the week’s content.
In a few sentences, provide a brief summary of the article (the key points, particularly those that you find relevant to the week’s content).
Describe how the article is related to the week’s content.
Describe what new conclusions, insights, or understanding you have about the article after considering it within the context of what we learned this week. This is the most important part of the assignment – the goal here is to integrate what you learned this week into the way you are thinking about this article to come up with new insights or understanding that you wouldn’t have had before understanding this material.
Students are required to include the article on initial posting
1. Straussner- Chapter 10 &11
2. McHugh, R.K., Hearon, B.A., & Otto, M.W. (2010). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for substance use
disorder. Psychiatric Clinicas of North America, 33, 511-525.
3. Straussner- Chapter 7, 9, & 12
4. Lushin, V., & Anastas, J. W. (2011). Harm reduction in substance abuse treatment: Pragmatism as
an epistemology for social work practice. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 11(1),
96-100. doi:10.1080/1533256X.2011.546205
5. Järvinen, M. (2008). Approaches to methadone treatment: Harm reduction in theory and practice.
Sociology Of Health & Illness, 30(7), 975-991. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9566.2008.01094.x
6. Järvinen, M., & Andersen, D. (2009). The making of the chronic addict. Substance Use & Misuse,
44(6), 865-885. doi:10.1080/10826080802486103
7. (Video) An overview of Medication Assisted Treatment-
Week 6 Discussion Board
Carefully read the following instructions for every component of this assignment. Remember there are two parts to this assignment.
Part 1 – Individual Assignment
Find a recent news article (2015 or newer) that relates to the content discussed in that week’s class. You have broad discretion in choosing this article. The important part is that the article is, in some way, related to the week’s content.
In a few sentences, provide a brief summary of the article (the key points, particularly those that you find relevant to the week’s content).
Describe how the article is related to the week’s content.
Describe what new conclusions, insights, or understanding you have about the article after considering it within the context of what we learned this week. This is the most important part of the assignment – the goal here is to integrate what you learned this week into the way you are thinking about this article to come up with new insights or understanding that you wouldn’t have had before understanding this material.
Students are required to include the article on initial posting
1. Straussner- Chapter 13-15
2. McNeece- Chapter 10
3. TIP 39- Substance abuse treatment and family therapy- Chapters 1-5
4. O’Farrell, T.J. & Schein, A.Z. (2000). Behavioral couples therapy for alcoholism and drug abuse.
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 18, 51-54.
5. Robbins, M. S., Feaster, D. J., Horigian, V. E., Rohrbaugh, M., Shoham, V., Bachrach, K., & …
Szapocznik, J. (2011). Brief Strategic Family Therapy versus Treatment as Usual: Results of a
Multisite Randomized Trial for Substance Using Adolescents. Journal Of Consulting And Clinical
Psychology, 79(6), 713-727.
6. Fraser, J. S., Solovey, A. D., Grove, D., Lee, M. Y., & Greene, G. J. (2012). Integrative Families and
Systems Treatment: A Middle Path toward Integrating Common and Specific Factors in Evidence-
Based Family Therapy. Journal Of Marital And Family Therapy, 38(3), 515-528.
6. TIP 41- Substance Abuse Treatment: Group Therapy, Chapters 1-6
7. (Video) Intensive Outpatient Treatment-
Week 7 Discussion Board
Carefully read the following instructions for every component of this assignment. Remember there are two parts to this assignment.
Part 1 – Individual Assignment
Find a recent news article (2015 or newer) that relates to the content discussed in that week’s class. You have broad discretion in choosing this article. The important part is that the article is, in some way, related to the week’s content.
In a few sentences, provide a brief summary of the article (the key points, particularly those that you find relevant to the week’s content).
Describe how the article is related to the week’s content.
Describe what new conclusions, insights, or understanding you have about the article after considering it within the context of what we learned this week. This is the most important part of the assignment – the goal here is to integrate what you learned this week into the way you are thinking about this article to come up with new insights or understanding that you wouldn’t have had before understanding this material.
Students are required to include the article on initial posting
1. TIP 13- The role and current status of patient placement criteria in the treatment of substance use
disorders- Chapters 1-7
2. TIP 51- Addressing the specific needs of Women- Chapter 5
3. TIP 29- substance use disorder treatment for people with physical & cognitive disabilities- Chapter 3
4. TIP 32- Treatment of Adolescents with Substance use Disorders- Chapter 2

Nursing homework help

Assigned Personality Disorder:
Personality Disorder:  Antisocial Personality Disorder
Neurocognitive Disorders:  Vascular Neurocognitive Disorder
Sleep Wake:  Hypersomnia
To prepare for this Discussion:

  • By Day 5 of Week 2, your Instructor will have assigned      you a personality disorder, which will be your focus for your initial post      for this Discussion.
  • Review the Learning Resources.


  • Explain the diagnostic criteria for your assigned      personality disorder.
  • Explain the evidenced-based psychotherapy and      psychopharmacologic treatment for your assigned personality disorder.
  • Describe clinical features from a client that led you      to believe this client had this disorder. Align the clinical features with      the DSM-5 criteria.

Note: Support your rationale with a minimum of three academic resources less than five years in APA format, including introduction and conclusion 

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Social Science homework help

I need 7 weekly discussion questions answered by 12.16.2020 at 12:00 p.m. I’ve listed the textbooks for the course. Under each discussion, I’ve listed the readings/topics for that week.
Straussner, S. (2014). Clinical Work with Substance Abusing Clients. (3rd Ed.). New York, NY:
Guildford Press.
McNeece, C. A. & DiNitto, D. M. (2012). Chemical dependency: A systems approach (4th ed.).
Week 1 Discussion Board
Carefully read the following instructions for every component of this assignment. Remember there are two parts to this assignment.
Part 1 – Individual Assignment
Find a recent news article (2015 or newer) that relates to the content discussed in that week’s class. You have broad discretion in choosing this article. The important part is that the article is, in some way, related to the week’s content.
In a few sentences, provide a brief summary of the article (the key points, particularly those that you find relevant to the week’s content).
Describe how the article is related to the week’s content.
Describe what new conclusions, insights, or understanding you have about the article after considering it within the context of what we learned this week. This is the most important part of the assignment – the goal here is to integrate what you learned this week into the way you are thinking about this article to come up with new insights or understanding that you wouldn’t have had before understanding this material.
Students are required to include the article on initial posting
APA Format
1. Burke, A. C., & Clapp, J.D. (1997). Ideology and social work practice in substance abuse settings.
Social Work, 42(6), 552-562.
2. NASW Standards for social work practice with client with substance use disorder- (Canvas Article)
3. Straussner- Chapters 1
4. McNeece- Chapters 1 & 2
5. Straussner- Chapter 2
6. McNeece- Chapters 3 & 4
7. Erickson, C. K., & White, W. L. (2009). The neurobiology of addiction recovery. Alcoholism
Treatment Quarterly27(3), 338-345. doi:10.1080/07347320903014255
8. Dackis, C., & O’Brien, C. (2005). Neurobiology of addiction: Treatment and public policy
ramifications. Nature Neuroscience8(11), 1431-1436. doi:10.1038/nn1105-1431
Week 2 Discussion Board
Carefully read the following instructions for every component of this assignment. Remember there are two parts to this assignment.
Part 1 – Individual Assignment
Find a recent news article (2015 or newer) that relates to the content discussed in that week’s class. You have broad discretion in choosing this article. The important part is that the article is, in some way, related to the week’s content.
In a few sentences, provide a brief summary of the article (the key points, particularly those that you find relevant to the week’s content).
Describe how the article is related to the week’s content.
Describe what new conclusions, insights, or understanding you have about the article after considering it within the context of what we learned this week. This is the most important part of the assignment – the goal here is to integrate what you learned this week into the way you are thinking about this article to come up with new insights or understanding that you wouldn’t have had before understanding this material.
Students are required to include the article on initial posting
1. Straussner- Chapter 3-5
2. McNeece- Chapters 5-7
3. APA (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed). Washington, DC- Pgs
4. NIDA (2012). Screening for drug use in general medical settings: Resource guide.
APA (2013). DSM V, section: Substance related and addictive behaviors, pgs 481-591 & Conditions for
future study, 792-798.
5. Wakefield, J. C. (2013). DSM-5: An overview of changes and controversies. Clinical Social Work
Journal, 41(2), 139-154.
6. Compton, W.M., Dawson, D.A., Goldstein, R.B, & Grant, B.F. (2013). Crosswalk between DSM-IV
dependence and DSM-5 substance use disorders for opioids, cannabis, cocaine and alcohol. Journal of
drug and alcohol dependence.
7. Arnaout, B., & Petrakis, I.L. (2008). Diagnosing co-morbid drug use in patients with alcohol use
disorders. Alcohol Research & Health, 31, 148-154.
Week 3 Discussion Board
Carefully read the following instructions for every component of this assignment. Remember there are two parts to this assignment.
Part 1 – Individual Assignment
Find a recent news article (2015 or newer) that relates to the content discussed in that week’s class. You have broad discretion in choosing this article. The important part is that the article is, in some way, related to the week’s content.
In a few sentences, provide a brief summary of the article (the key points, particularly those that you find relevant to the week’s content).
Describe how the article is related to the week’s content.
Describe what new conclusions, insights, or understanding you have about the article after considering it within the context of what we learned this week. This is the most important part of the assignment – the goal here is to integrate what you learned this week into the way you are thinking about this article to come up with new insights or understanding that you wouldn’t have had before understanding this material.
Students are required to include the article on initial posting
1. Straussner- Chapters 17-22
2. McNeece- Chapters 9, 12, 14 & 15
3. APA (2013). DSM V- Cultural formulation 749-759 & Glossary of cultural concepts pgs 833-837
4. Cosden, M., Panteleakos, F., Gutierrez, L., Barazani, S., & Gottheil, E. (2004). Strength-Based
Assessment of Adolescents Who Abuse Drugs: Implications for Helping High-Risk Youth.
California School Psychologist, 9115-126.
5. (Video)- Voices from the Harbor: Women’s experiences of pregnancy, addiction, and recovery –

6. (Video)- What everyone needs to know when working with LGBT-
7. Straussner- Ch 8 & 16
8. McNeece- Ch 11 & 13
9. TIP 42- Substance abuse treatment for persons with co-occurring disorders- Chapter 4
10. Potenza, M.N. (2007). Impulse control disorders and co-occurring disorders: Dual diagnosis
considerations. Journal of Dual Diagnosis, 3, 47-57.
11. Quello, S.B., Brady, K.T., Sonne, S.C. (2005). Mood disorders and substance use disorder: A
complex comorbidity. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 3(1), 13-21.
Week 4 Discussion Board
Carefully read the following instructions for every component of this assignment. Remember there are two parts to this assignment.
Part 1 – Individual Assignment
Find a recent news article (2015 or newer) that relates to the content discussed in that week’s class. You have broad discretion in choosing this article. The important part is that the article is, in some way, related to the week’s content.
In a few sentences, provide a brief summary of the article (the key points, particularly those that you find relevant to the week’s content).
Describe how the article is related to the week’s content.
Describe what new conclusions, insights, or understanding you have about the article after considering it within the context of what we learned this week. This is the most important part of the assignment – the goal here is to integrate what you learned this week into the way you are thinking about this article to come up with new insights or understanding that you wouldn’t have had before understanding this material.
Students are required to include article on initial posting
1. Straussner- Chapter 6
2. McNeece- Chapter 8
3. TIP 35: Enhancing Motivation for Change in Substance Abuse Treatment Chapter 1-3
4. (Video) Motivational Interviewing: Facilitating Change Across Boundaries –

5. Kennedy, K., & Gregoire, T. K. (2009). Theories of motivation in addiction treatment: Testing the
relationship of the transtheoretical model of change and self-determination theory. Journal of Social
Work Practice In The Addictions, 9(2), 163-183. doi:10.1080/15332560902852052
6. Groshkova, T. (2010). Motivation in substance misuse treatment. Addiction Research & Theory, 18(5),
494-510. doi:10.3109/16066350903362875
7. Ryan, S. A., Martel, S., Pantalon, M., Martino, S., Tetrault, J., Thung, S. F., & … D’Onofrio, G. (2012).
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) for Alcohol and Other Drug Use
among Adolescents: Evaluation of a Pediatric Residency Curriculum. Substance Abuse, 33(3), 251-260.
8. (Video) Motivational Enhancement Therapy-
Week 5 Discussion Board
Carefully read the following instructions for every component of this assignment. Remember there are two parts to this assignment.
Part 1 – Individual Assignment
Find a recent news article (2015 or newer) that relates to the content discussed in that week’s class. You have broad discretion in choosing this article. The important part is that the article is, in some way, related to the week’s content.
In a few sentences, provide a brief summary of the article (the key points, particularly those that you find relevant to the week’s content).
Describe how the article is related to the week’s content.
Describe what new conclusions, insights, or understanding you have about the article after considering it within the context of what we learned this week. This is the most important part of the assignment – the goal here is to integrate what you learned this week into the way you are thinking about this article to come up with new insights or understanding that you wouldn’t have had before understanding this material.
Students are required to include the article on initial posting
1. Straussner- Chapter 10 &11
2. McHugh, R.K., Hearon, B.A., & Otto, M.W. (2010). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for substance use
disorder. Psychiatric Clinicas of North America, 33, 511-525.
3. Straussner- Chapter 7, 9, & 12
4. Lushin, V., & Anastas, J. W. (2011). Harm reduction in substance abuse treatment: Pragmatism as
an epistemology for social work practice. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 11(1),
96-100. doi:10.1080/1533256X.2011.546205
5. Järvinen, M. (2008). Approaches to methadone treatment: Harm reduction in theory and practice.
Sociology Of Health & Illness, 30(7), 975-991. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9566.2008.01094.x
6. Järvinen, M., & Andersen, D. (2009). The making of the chronic addict. Substance Use & Misuse,
44(6), 865-885. doi:10.1080/10826080802486103
7. (Video) An overview of Medication Assisted Treatment-
Week 6 Discussion Board
Carefully read the following instructions for every component of this assignment. Remember there are two parts to this assignment.
Part 1 – Individual Assignment
Find a recent news article (2015 or newer) that relates to the content discussed in that week’s class. You have broad discretion in choosing this article. The important part is that the article is, in some way, related to the week’s content.
In a few sentences, provide a brief summary of the article (the key points, particularly those that you find relevant to the week’s content).
Describe how the article is related to the week’s content.
Describe what new conclusions, insights, or understanding you have about the article after considering it within the context of what we learned this week. This is the most important part of the assignment – the goal here is to integrate what you learned this week into the way you are thinking about this article to come up with new insights or understanding that you wouldn’t have had before understanding this material.
Students are required to include the article on initial posting
1. Straussner- Chapter 13-15
2. McNeece- Chapter 10
3. TIP 39- Substance abuse treatment and family therapy- Chapters 1-5
4. O’Farrell, T.J. & Schein, A.Z. (2000). Behavioral couples therapy for alcoholism and drug abuse.
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 18, 51-54.
5. Robbins, M. S., Feaster, D. J., Horigian, V. E., Rohrbaugh, M., Shoham, V., Bachrach, K., & …
Szapocznik, J. (2011). Brief Strategic Family Therapy versus Treatment as Usual: Results of a
Multisite Randomized Trial for Substance Using Adolescents. Journal Of Consulting And Clinical
Psychology, 79(6), 713-727.
6. Fraser, J. S., Solovey, A. D., Grove, D., Lee, M. Y., & Greene, G. J. (2012). Integrative Families and
Systems Treatment: A Middle Path toward Integrating Common and Specific Factors in Evidence-
Based Family Therapy. Journal Of Marital And Family Therapy, 38(3), 515-528.
6. TIP 41- Substance Abuse Treatment: Group Therapy, Chapters 1-6
7. (Video) Intensive Outpatient Treatment-
Week 7 Discussion Board
Carefully read the following instructions for every component of this assignment. Remember there are two parts to this assignment.
Part 1 – Individual Assignment
Find a recent news article (2015 or newer) that relates to the content discussed in that week’s class. You have broad discretion in choosing this article. The important part is that the article is, in some way, related to the week’s content.
In a few sentences, provide a brief summary of the article (the key points, particularly those that you find relevant to the week’s content).
Describe how the article is related to the week’s content.
Describe what new conclusions, insights, or understanding you have about the article after considering it within the context of what we learned this week. This is the most important part of the assignment – the goal here is to integrate what you learned this week into the way you are thinking about this article to come up with new insights or understanding that you wouldn’t have had before understanding this material.
Students are required to include the article on initial posting
1. TIP 13- The role and current status of patient placement criteria in the treatment of substance use
disorders- Chapters 1-7
2. TIP 51- Addressing the specific needs of Women- Chapter 5
3. TIP 29- substance use disorder treatment for people with physical & cognitive disabilities- Chapter 3
4. TIP 32- Treatment of Adolescents with Substance use Disorders- Chapter 2

Social Science homework help

 Performance Management is continuous and systematic approaches ensure to achieve organizational business goals by streamlining the employee performance and efforts to match the set goals efficiently.

Social Science homework help

Discussion Module 1 -The Role of Program Evaluation in Your Professional Aspirations
You now have a year of generalist social work courses and a generalist field practicum under your belt. In your OMSW 507 or BSW policy class, you learned about social problems that disproportionately affect urban African Americans and other marginalized groups, as well as social welfare policies and programs that have attempted to address them.
In your view, what are some of the most pressing social problems affecting urban African Americans? 
What outcome(s) related to these problems are you planning to address as a professional MSW level social worker?
At what level(s) of practice do you envision focusing your professional practice (e.g., micro, mezzo, macro) and what role can program evaluation play in achieving the outcomes you identified given your intended level of practice? I plan to focus on the micro level of practice.
Please make sure you properly reference and cite adhering to APA standards as you support your stance by utilizing the ppt., text, outside resources, etc.
Module 3 Discussion
Suppose you were doing a needs assessment for a program in your field practicum or the social service agency in which you work. You have some data on the social problem that the program is designed to address, but you are unable to find data on the specific community that your program serves. Therefore, you have decided that you will obtain information about the characteristics of the target population for the program using key informants.
Briefly describe the agency and the program you are using for this example (e.g. state mission and purpose of the agency, a brief description of the target population for the program, and the goals/desired outcome of the program identified for the example.) agency: Maryland Department of Human Services; Mission: The mission of the Maryland Department of Human Services is to work on opportunities with the aim to improve people’s economy, provide mitigation strategies, and safeguard exposed people. The mission works with principles that help the department in achieving its goals. These include; achieving self-determination needs a person to work hard, working together between businesses and the community is important increasing customer ability to be autonomous, Assistance is given to citizens by acknowledging differences between individuals and groups, Enablement is essential for human services to be provided, Families should be the top resource for their children and other family members to provide emotional and financial support.; Vision: We imagine a Maryland in which persons support themselves and their families exclusively and where people are protected from violence and negligence. The Maryland department vision encourages individuals to put more effort into activities that bring in income and support for their families.; Goals: Maryland Department of Human Services (DHS) provides services to neglected and abused children. The services provided protect children and their families from continued exposure to harm and mistreatment. The goals of the department are;
1. Protecting children and supporting parents or caregivers to provide children with proper care and attention
2. Remedy and reduce the risk of chronic violence and neglect
3. Provide children with an alternative treatment plan when parents or guardians are unable to show adequate and health care for them
Objectives: the department aim in providing services that help families to be financially independent. The main objective is protecting children from violence and neglect and supporting families in the process of helping to provide their children with healthy parents. Child safety is a collective duty, and at the first indication of a concern, communities must strategically respond to children that are at risk of violence or neglect and collaborate with families, and resources can be mobilized through combined efforts. The community has a responsibility to ensure that prevention, action, and the appropriate resources are available.
Describe specific ways you could identify and engage key informants to provide the information you seek regarding your agency’s program. Provide a rationale for this approach. 
List specific questions you would ask of the informants to obtain the desired information.
Course Reflection Discussion
In the first module, you discussed how you envisioned that program evaluation might play a role in your professional practice. Now that you have presumably gained a deeper understanding of the functions of program evaluation and specific purposes it can serve, respond to the following questions. This is your opportunity to reflect on the knowledge, values, and skills you can take from this course.
How has your view of the relevance or usefulness of evaluation for your future social work practice evolved since your response to Discussion 1? (5 points)
Which of the common purposes of evaluations (i.e., Program Improvement, Accountability, Knowledge Generation– from Module 2 “tailoring evaluations”) would be useful in your current or future practice setting? Give 2 specific examples to illustrate. (10 points)
Do you feel that you personally could implement any of the program evaluation strategies you learned about in any meaningful way in your practice setting? If not, what additional knowledge or skills would you need to refine or develop? (5 points)
What connections can you draw between this course and other courses you have taken in the MSW Program? Explain the interconnection(s). (5 points)

Social Science homework help

Social Science homework help
4-page paper that includes the following:
A description of the health concerns that clients may face as they reach middle adulthood
An analysis that explains how factors such as race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and other demographic characteristics might impact at least three of the health concerns you identified
An explanation of how you, as a social worker, should take these potential health concerns and the environmental factors that influence them into account as you complete your assessments

Social Science homework help

Social Science homework help
4-page paper that includes the following:
A description of the health concerns that clients may face as they reach middle adulthood
An analysis that explains how factors such as race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and other demographic characteristics might impact at least three of the health concerns you identified
An explanation of how you, as a social worker, should take these potential health concerns and the environmental factors that influence them into account as you complete your assessments